Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 9

Sundar’s Navel Adventures

Ritu was amazed at the hypnotic power in her navel which she received. She did have her doubts on whether Tushar could regain what he had done in the hypnotic state with her navel in the future. She was puzzled in her mind and was restless in her sleep that night.

The next day morning, her door bell rang.Ritu opened the door. There was a tall, fair woman in her early 30s in a green saree and red choli standing. It was Sundar’s mother Madhu.

She is homely and his known in the entire apartment for her very conservative way of dressing. She always wears sarees. When she wears a saree, she does not expose her navel and belly. But on the contrary she does have a good body structure. She works in a local call center on rotational shifts. During early or late night shifts, she leaves Sundar with Ritu to babysit. Madhu and Ritu have become good friends and spend time together when free.

Madhu wished Ritu. Ritu wished her back and enquired about Sundar. Madhu told he left for school just now and she wanted to talk about Sundar with her. Ritu felt nervous as to whether Sundar had told her about the navel games. She invited Madhu in and sat over the sofa each with a cup of coffee.

Ritu started, “So Madhu tell me what did you want to discuss about Sundar?”

Madhu in her slow voice, “Well, Ritu. I think Sundar is growing up and there are some changes in his behaviour”

Ritu with a smile, “That’s natural”

Madhu, “He is turned very naughty”

Ritu,”Boys are meant to be like that. Tell me straight. What’s bothering you?”

Madhu with a worried look,”Sundar is getting attracted to…”

Ritu in a nervous tone,”To… what?”

Madhu, “To the navel”


Madhu pointed to Ritu’s belly and said, “Navel. You know the Thoppul. He has started to like it”

Ritu with a surprised look,”What? Sundar likes thoppul. I don’t understand”

Madhu in a tense tone ,”I too don’t understand. I don’t know if he as developed this through his school class mates or movie or TV. I am not very sure”.

Ritu who now realized that Sundar has developed it due to her, but was confused if Sundar has told it himself or Madhu found it herself. She decided to manage the situation.

She replied, “Madhu just calm down. Don’t get excited. Just tell me what happened?”

Madhu drank some water. Finished her coffee.

Madhu started,”A few weeks before I saw Sundar staring at a Cine magazine page. It had an actress posing with her navel exposed in a low hip dress. I did not bother much and told him to close it and go do his homework. A few days later, I again found him staring at actress navels in magazines and this time he was searching for them page by page. I talked to him and stopped him to read those magazines”. Ritu was listening very carefully.

Madhu continued,”Next what happened is that since I took away the magazines, he started watching movie songs on TV, the ones which have those closeups of the heroine’s navels. He really gets excited when he sees them”

Ritu interfered,”Wait a minute Madhu. Sorry to interfere but just because Sundar sees magazines and watches TV songs does not mean much. Like I said it is natural for boys to do those things”

Madhu responded, “I know Ritu but I have not finished yet. Let me come to the parts that shocked me”. Ritu listened further.

Madhu continued,”Last week my usual maid got sick. She sent her elder sister who also works as a maid elsewhere to cover up for her. She was very fat and her saree was shabby not covering her body properly. Her navel was exposed fully. She started sweeping the hall. Sundar was playing in the room with his toys. After sometime she went to Sundar’s room to sweep. I was observing from outside. I got shocked. His eyes stared at her navel”

“After that, he did something really crazy. He took the toy gun he was playing with, and kept it on her navel. Then told her hands up and rotated it around her navel. The maid just kept giggling and then continued her work. After that the entire time she worked, Sundar kept staring at her navel.”

Ritu was surprised. Madhu continued, “Not only this, a few days before my husband, Sundar and myself went to attend a marriage reception. It was a very elite event with lots of business leaders attending it. Among them was a very young couple dressed in jewels and costly attire. The girl was wearing a black transparent saree in low hip. She had a ring on her navel with tail like design hanging from it. After the buffet, when we were to leave, the same lady came and started talking to us stating she studied from the same school as I did. During that time, her saree pallu moved due to the wind revealing her navel ring. Now, once Sundar noticed this, without a bit of hesitation, he went near her and started ticking and playing with her navel.

I was shocked, but she did not mind it and smiled at Sundar. This situation could have gone in a different way with lot of trouble. Sundar’s father did not see this since he went to the parking to get the car. But we were lucky this time. The next time, we were not lucky.

I went along with Sundar to meet the school principal. In her room, while we were talking one of the female staff and a teacher came inside and started giving some information to principal. The staff girl was in a low hip red saree with her pallu swinging to the air and exposing her navel periodically. I was getting scared as Sundar was staring at her navel for a long time. The teacher noticed this and was looking at him angrily. I tried to leave but the principal did not let me. Finally, it happened. Sundar put his left hand index finger in her navel and starting playing in front of principal and the teacher.

Everyone in the room were shocked. The principal started shouting at us. To defend the situation,I gave it back as to why a school staff is allowed such dress code. After which, she calmed down and warned us. She instructed her staff also to dress decently hereafter. You know at the end of our street, there is a woman’s college. Whenever we pass it, Sundar’s eyes are glued to the college girl’s navels exposed in low hip jeans.

Lately, he is pestering as to why I am not showing my thoppul in saree and asking me to show it to him. You know I don’t like exposing at all. I am losing my patience and yelled at him yesterday. I am feeling bad and confused.” Ritu was dumbstruck on hearing Sundar’s acts of navel play. Madhu with a worried sigh continued, “Ritu, I wanted to share this with you is for two reasons”. Ritu replied, “Yes Madhu”. Madhu told, “One is that everybody in the apartment knows you are a navel queen in sarees. So during babysitting hours, if Sundar involves in these kind of acts, please forgive him. “

Ritu laughed inside thinking that the babysitting hours are the actual navel games hours of Sundar. She replied, “Come on Madhu. Sundar is more like my own nephew to me. I can understand your situation”. Madhu told, “Thanks. Secondly, I want your help in talking to him about this. I cannot go and tell him directly don’t play with aunties navels. I feel awkward. Maybe give him some advice. I am worried this might become a huge problem in his future.” Ritu responded, “Sure Madhu. I can talk to him” Madhu with a smile, “Thanks Ritu. Now I feel a bit relieved”. Ritu concluded, “Don’t worry Madhu. Everything will become OK.”

Madhu thanked Ritu for the coffee and left. Ritu was also relieved since Sundar has kept his promise and not disclosed anything to his mother.

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