Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 8

Navel Hypnotism Begins

Ritu wokeup from bed. It was a bright morning. But she was confused as to whether the ritual that happened last night was real or it was all just a dream. She was still puzzled about the navel hypnotism power. She was breaking her head as to whom to use it on, whether it will work etc., She freshened up and started her daily routine. She was done by around afternoon, the door bell rang. Ritu opened and her it was Mahesh’s boss Tushar. She welcomed him in and asked him to have a seat in the sofa. Tushar did not come in. After having a sudden glance of her peeking navel, he replied ,”No Ritu. Its ok. I have to catch a flight tonight to US. My niece is getting married, so I will be there for one week. Before that I just wanted to handover these important files to Mahesh which must be reviewed by him next week. I know he is out of town. These are very confidential. So I am giving it to you. Please keep it safe and hand over them to Mahesh.” Ritu, ”Yes sure Sir. Please have something Sir. If Mahesh comes to know that I sent you without even a coffee, then he will definitely get angry. So please”. Tushar finally came in. Ritu kept the files in Mahesh’s cupboard. Then she went into the kitchen and started making coffee.

During which her dirty mind started thinking. She decided to test her hypnotic power on Tushar. Also she knows very well that Tushar is crazy about her navel. So she moved her pallu fully to one side exposing her entire belly and navel. 

Then she took the coffee and walked towards him in a seductive manner.

Tushar’s eyes got glued to her navel for a few seconds. Then he turned away. She kept the coffee on the table. She looked at the clock it was 2.30. Tushar took the coffee. When he was about to sip the coffee Ritu jiggled her belly and pulled her navel in.

That’s all Tushar went into a hypnotized state. His eyes staring at Ritu’s fleshy navel.

Ritu couldn’t believe that it worked. Then she started asked ,”You like my navel right?” Tushar replied, ”Yes”. She then asked, ”What would you like to do to it?”. He replied ,”I would lick, suck, squeeze and cum all over it.” Ritu naughtily replied, ” Then do it now. For the next 3 minutes, my navel is all yours.” and took off her entire pallu. 

As soon as she said it, the hypnotized Tushar charged forward and grabbed her belly flesh and planted heavy kissed such that her belly jiggled for each kiss. She screamed with pleasure.

He then buried his face into her navel, licked and sucked it. She moaned with pleasure.

Just then she looked at the clock and found that the time was almost up. She ordered him to go and sit normally. Tushar did so. Ritu ran into the bathroom. By that time, it was 2.35 and Tushar came back to normal. He doesn’t remember anything other than he taking the cup to drink coffee. Ritu returned back with a bit of doubt whether Tushar remembers anything. Tushar was silently drinking coffee and smiled. She then realized it actually worked. After which Tushar thanked her for the coffee and left. But Ritu thought in her mind ,”I must be the one thanking you.” Now Ritu felt relieved as well as powerful. She felt the power of her navel beauty.

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