Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 7

The Midnight Puja

It was a Monday. Mahesh is on business travel for the next few weeks. Ritu was alone at home. The opposite neighbor lady visited her. Ritu was happy to have company. After having a small talk, she told Ritu that the Chief Priest(who put a curse on Ritu’s navel) wanted to meet her. She gave Ritu, his mobile number and left. Since she didn’t say why he wants to meet, Ritu was confused. She gave him a call. The priest took the phone and said ,”Hello Ritu how r u?” She replied ,”I am fine. It seems you wanted to meet me.” He replied ,”Yes, can you please come to my ashram in the evening. I want to talk to you about an important matter. I can’t talk about it over the phone. So please.” Ritu was confused but agreed with doubt in her mind. She wore her sari in low hip but covered her navel with pallu since she’s meeting the priest.

She reached the ashram and met him. The CP welcomed her, gave her some holy water and then he started ,”Ritu I want you to meet someone”. He then took her to another room where there was a old lady swamiji .” He introduced her to Ritu ,”Ritu, she is Devi Matha Swami(DMS). She is my guru. Get her blessing.” After Ritu got her blessing, DMS told ,”Hello Ritu. I have heard a lot about you from him.” Then the CP left the room.

DMS now told ,”Look Ritu I requested maha swamiji to arrange a meeting with you. I have a problem. I think you can only help me.” Ritu in confusion ,”I don’t understand swamiji.” DMS replied ,”Well I have been in sainthood for the past 40 years and I am running this ashram for the past 20 years. But nothing like this has ever happened .” Ritu asked ,”What happened?” DMS after some silence said ,”One of the devotees of my ashram has broken the holy rules of sainthood and got sexually involved with a female servant of the ashram.” Ritu with surprise asked ,”Oh. That’s a bit shocking to hear. Then what happened swamiji?” DMS replied ,”I threw both of them out of my ashram but it has created a bad name for my ashram and it has lost its holiness. To wash away the sin and regain holiness, a puja must be held in the Shiva temple at the hills outside the city. For that I need your help.” Ritu puzzled ,”How can I help swamiji? I still don’t understand.”

DMS told ,”The special puja must be done only by a female who is married but still is not a mother. And…”. Ritu eagerly asked,” And..?” DMS replied,” And it must be done at midnight and the female should be naked in front of the big Shiva statue.“ Ritu got the shock of her life and screamed ,”WWWHHAAT? Swamiji what are you saying?” DMS controlled her and said ,”Look Ritu don’t panic. I am not compelling you. I am just requesting you.” Ritu got angry and said ,”Seriously! why should I do it? Its your ashram. Your headache. Not mine”. DMS replied ,”Ritu please understand. No men will be there during the puja. Only my female devotees will be there. I have to do this puja by this weekend. I can’t find any other woman like you within that time. Also if you do this puja you will also be benefitted.” Ritu asked ,”Really! how?” DMS replied ,”The female who does this puja gains the right to receive a power. Usually no one is provided this. But I will give you. I can give you the power of hypnotism. You can control people.”

Ritu laughed and sarcastically asked ,”What can I do with hypnotic powers? Become a swamiji like you.” DMS politely said ,”You can get the power to hypnotize using your navel.” Ritu suddenly became eager and asked ,”You mean?” DMS told ,”Yes I heard from maha swamiji that you are very obsessed with your navel. So you can hypnotize and control people when they look at your navel. They will be hypnotized and will be in your control and you can make them do whatever task you want. But there are certain limitations.” Ritu eagerly asked ,”What are they?”

DMS listed ,”First, the hypnotic spell will last only for 5 minutes. Second, you can’t use it on your husband and any children at all. It won’t work. Finally you can use it only 5 times per day. If you try for the 6th time then you will lose the power entirely.” Ritu asked ,”How to believe this?” DMS replied,”Maha swamiji put a curse on your navel. You didn’t believe it. But it happened right?” Ritu replied ,”Yes right.” DMS told ,”I know this is too much to ask. Don’t worry. I assure you your safety during the puja. What do you say?” Ritu thought for some time. Although she was little scared of being naked, however the navel power really tempted her and also its for a good cause to save an ashram. She replied ,”Ok swamiji.” DMS was very pleased and said ,”Thank you. Thank you so much. Please come to the temple by 11.30pm this Saturday. Bathe and come in this white sari.” DMS handed over a white sari. Ritu took it and came out of the room. The CP blessed her at the entrance of the ashram and then she left.

At home for the rest of the week, Ritu was in confusion whether to tell about this Mahesh or not. She was getting scared if something untoward will happen. Somehow, she made up her mind that everything will work out well. On Saturday evening at around 11.00pm, Ritu after a bath and dressed in the white sari, started in her her two wheeler. She was very nervous. The temple was locked. She got puzzled and little scared. Then from a doorway near the temple gate, DMS came and took her inside the door. It was a passageway, it went underground. Then at last amidst the light of small diyas, there was a huge Shiva statue with many puja items in front of it. A couple of female devotees were also standing near it. DMS explained to Ritu that these women will take her inside a room dress her up with jewels and ancient clothing that covers her boobs and abdomen. She had to perform the puja in stages. At each stage, the women will remove jewels from her body. At the final stage, they will remove her clothing and she has to meditate naked for few minutes in standing posture. After which the puja will be over.

The women took her in disrobed her sari and dressed her up in the attire. Then they put on jewels for head to toe. Except for her private parts, each body part had a jewel even her navel had a ring. When she walked out, she resembled the women statues sculpted in ancient south temples.

She appeared very sensuous and sexy in the attire. At the stroke of midnight ,the puja started and Ritu began to do the rituals as per what DMS instructed. She was made to stand before the holy fire. At each stage, the jewels were removed for each chant of specific slokas. She was getting nervous. Her body was shivering thinking about that moment. The final stage of puja arrived. Ritu was asked to stand with her hands above her head. Now the clothing was fully ripped away. She was fully naked. A moment she never ever thought would happen in her life. She was told by the DMS not to move at all. But her body was vibrating. The cool breeze of the night flowed on her bosom, her navel and between her legs. The feel of air on her boobs made her tender nipples hard. She was getting turned on.

DMS told Ritu to close her eyes and meditate. She was in no way to do that. However, she controlled herself and slowly got used to the air and her body stopped shivering and she stood in that position for 10 minutes. Finally DMS asked her to open her eyes and announced that the puja has been finished. Ritu was relieved. DMS asked her to put on the same ancient attire.

After Ritu returned in ancient attire, DMS told,”Ritu the puja was successful. Thanks to you”. Ritu replied,”Yes swamiji it was a different experience for me too.” DMS asked,”Shall we move on to the last ritual?” Ritu replied,”Still there is more?” DMS replied ,”Well you want that power I promised you right?” Ritu replied,”Yes I almost forgot it. What should I do?” DMS made her lie down on a rock bed. Ritu agreed. Now the navel ritual started. First ,DMS sprinkled ash in and around her navel. The minute particles tickled her navel and she got orgasmic and bit her lips.

Then she got a vessel of rose water and slowly poured it on her navel.

She smiled on feeling the chill water. Then she put flowers one by one while chanting some mantras. Every touch of the flower made her erotic.

Then she broke a coconut and tossed half of it on her navel. It again made her orgasmic.

Finally she got some fruits and decorated it all over her belly region and poured some milk on her navel. It aroused Ritu very much but she was controlling herself.

Finally it was over. DMS asked Ritu to rise up. She told Ritu that she has now acquired the power. Ritu eagerly asked how to use it. DMS told her that to use it she had to make the person look at her navel, then pull her belly inside and release it fast like belly dancing. Then the person will be hypnotized.

Then Ritu got dressed. DMS thanked her and gave blessings. She told, ”Ritu you are not only a very sensuous woman but a bold one too. Remember the rules for the power. Be careful.” Ritu thanked her and left. In her mind puzzling how, when and where to use her navel hypnotism first.

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