Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 6

A Naughty Snake

It was a Sunday morning. There was a heavy rains and wind the previous night due to cyclone. Mahesh came for breakfast. Ritu was her seductive self in a saree. Since she had taken a head bath, she kept her hair loose which was waving in the air. Drops of sweat were glittering on her tender belly.

He came near her. Then while whispering a Good morning, slid his left hand on her belly and squeezed her navel into the centre of his palm.

Ritu bit her lips and moaned “MMaaaaaahhhiiiiiii”. He then gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat at the dining table.

Ritu asked ,”Mahi when will you stop this habit?”. He replied ,”You like it right?” She replied,”Ya I like it but not when I am cooking.” He said ,”Ok fine. What’s for breakfast?” She told ,”Bread Omelette. I am toasting the bread now”. Mahesh told ,”Ah the same boring one. Wait! I have an idea”. “What?” she asked. He told ,”I feel like having a raw egg for a change.” She replied ,”Ok I will get a cup”. He stopped her and told ,”You are my cup.” She replied, ”What?” He made Ritu lie down and removed her saree pallu. Then broke an egg and poured into her navel.

She smiled as the sticky liquid tickled her navel. Her navel was now like a pond filled with egg liquid. He then took a straw, dipped into her navel and started sipping it.

Ritu was also enjoying it. Finally he finished it fully without leaving a drop. Ritu got up and said ,”Wow you really know how to enjoy my navel.” He replied ,”That’s why you married me.” They both laughed. Then Mahesh made bread toast for her and while she was eating he was having coffee. Just then Ritu felt something poking on her navel. She looked at Mahesh and thought he was poking it with his finger under the table. Next moment, Mahesh finished his coffee and got up. Again Ritu felt a poke on her navel.

She looked under the table and was shocked to find a snake. Before she could move, it bit her navel and she screamed ,”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH”

Mahesh came rushing and as soon as he saw the snake. He took the floor mob stick and chased it. Ritu fainted and her belly region was bleeding.

Mahesh rushed her to a nearby hospital. The doctor treated her by cleaning the wound with cotton and then water. Then he administered an anti venom injection to prevent any venom spreading inside the body. Then he asked Mahesh to identify the snake from a photo album he had. Mahesh identified it. The doctor assured him that she will be safe since it was non-poisonous snake. He then applied an antiseptic ointment to prevent infection. In the process, he unintentionally fingered her deep navel.

He also gave her some IV fluids. After few hours, Ritu regained consciousness. Ritu and Mahesh reported back to the doctor. The doctor told ,”You were very lucky since the snake was not poisonous.” Ritu asked , ”What kind of a snake it wa?” He replied ,”Its an Indian egg eating snake which is also called Westermann’s snake. It only goes after eggs. I don’t know why it attacked you?” Ritu and Mahesh exchanged glances and smiled. She told, ”No doctor I was cooking egg and at that time only it bit me. I am not sure how it came inside our home.” The doctor replied, ”Be careful next time. Since you live in the outskirts of the city, chances are that it might have entered inside due to the heavy winds yesterday night. Please keep the windows and doors closed properly. Apply this ointment and take this antibiotic medicine as per the prescription for 2 weeks. Please come back for a review if you are feeling any concerns. Take care.” Ritu and Mahesh thanked him.

After returning home they once again checked for the snake. Then Mahesh hugged her and told ,”I was really scared something might happen to you my love”. Ritu replied, “Mahi. Relax. Fortunately nothing critical happened. I am up and walking. My lovely Mahi is there to take care of me”. She gave a slight peck on his cheek with a smile. Mahesh was relieved and came back to his naughty mode and told, “Looks like animals are also hungry for your navel”. Ritu replied ,”Stop joking. I forgot to wipe my navel after you had your breakfast on it. Since it was egg-eating snake it targeted the smell of egg from my navel. That’s why.” Mahesh laughed and then took some ice cream from the fridge and asked Ritu, ”Hey I need a cup”. Ritu then angrily stared at him. He said ,”Don’t worry there aren’t any ice cream–eating snakes?” Ritu and Mahesh laughed and she went and got him a glass cup for the ice cream.

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