Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 5

The Second Navel Game

Mahesh after having breakfast left to his office. After some time, Sundar and his mother Madhu came and was surprised to see Ritu in a sleeveless top and track pants.

She asked Ritu,”Hey you usually wear only sarees at home. What happened? “ Ritu replied,”Ya I do but this summer heat is killing me. I become too sweaty. So that’s why I wore this. Why it doesn’t look nice on me?” She replied, “No. It looks perfect. You have a great structure to carry it well too.” “Thanks!”Ritu replied. Then she left him for Ritu to babysit. Ritu after finishing her daily routine helped Sundar with his homework. It became afternoon. After having lunch, Sundar asked,” Aunty can we play some games? I am bored.” Ritu replied, ”No da kutty. I am tired and I am going to take rest. You watch TV or you also take a nap in the sofa.”

At about 3pm, Mahesh returned. He usually comes only by 6 or so but today he came early since he had finished his work early. Mahesh saw Sundar watching cartoons in the TV. Sundar got excited and asked, ”Hi Mahesh Anna. How are you? ”Mahesh replied ,”Heeeeyyy Sundar I am fine. How are you buddy? How are your studies going?” He replied,” Great. I got 100/100 in Maths in the last exam. ” Mahesh told, ”Oh super. You must always study like this. Ok where is Ritu?” Sundar told,” She is in the bedroom taking rest. I am bored. I finished my homework. Can we play some games?” Mahesh replied, ”Ok let me freshen up.” and went to the bedroom to find Ritu sleeping. Its been a long time since he saw Ritu in tops & pants since she always sticks to sarees. Since she had rolled over many times her top had gone up so much exposing her underboobs. The sunlight from the window falling directly on her belly made her navel look really inviting.

Mahesh closed the door. Then took a paper flower from the flower vase and slowly moved towards her. He then gently rubbed her navel with it. Ritu felt a mild tickle but was still asleep.

Then Mahesh got an erotic idea and took some marbles kept along with some board games in the shelf. Since the top was rolled up, it created a heavenly path of sunlight passing between her boobs. He slowly put the marbles one by one under neck. They slid down into her top, moved between her juicy boobs and ran away to settle into her deep navel.

The feel of the glassy marbles on her silky skin made her titillated and she woke up to find her navel filled with pool of marbles.

Mahesh then blew on her navel and the marbles flew off. She felt the hot air from his breath which almost woke her up. Mahesh told,” Looks like the summer heat is making your dressing sense really sexy.” Ritu while adjusting her top rose out of the bed and yawned. She replied in a yawning voice,” Ya….ya.” Then they both got freshened up and came out of the room. Ritu made some fruit juice for all of them. Then Mahesh asked,” Ok Sundar what game you want to play? Board games or Video games? ” Sundar replied,” Since Ritu akka is also there I want to play the chocolate hole game I played with her the other day.”

Mahesh asked, ”The what hole game?” Sundar replied,” The game in which I ate chocolate from the hole in her stomach. ”Ritu was suddenly shocked and exchanged glances with Mahesh. She told,” Sundar we can’t play it today.” He asked, ”Why not?” She replied,” We don’t have chocolates.” Sundar got impatient and started crying and yelling, ”I want to play hole game!!!” Mahesh then calmed him down and said,” Ok lets play hole game but differently.” Ritu suddenly pulled Mahesh and whispered,” What the hell are you telling?” He replied, ”Come on Ritu. You started it. Now go to the sofa.”

Mahesh then asked Sundar to bring some ice cubes from the fridge. After he returned, Mahesh made Ritu lie down on the sofa. Ritu in her mind thought, “Oh no what are these going to do my navel!”. He then moved her top up and pulled her track pant down to reveal her belly. She was so nervous that her belly trembled.

Then Mahesh told Sundar, ”Ok now you should take one ice cube. Put your hand at a high distance. Let the water drip. If it falls directly into her stomach hole. Then you get 1 point. If you get 5 points in one minute, you win. Otherwise you lose. Ok”. Sundar agreed and started. He took one ice cube and made it drip. It fell around her navel but never into her navel directly. But each drop pleasured her.

Finally, one drop did fall into her navel and Ritu made count as,”OOOnnnneeeeee” due to her arousal.

Then a second time the drop fell inside, and Ritu became uncontrollable. But the ice was too cold, Sundar couldn’t handle it and he released the entire ice cube and it fell into her navel. Ritu closed her eyes and bit her lips and moaned, “SSSssssssshhhhhhh”.

While all this was happening, Mahesh on the other side of the sofa was enjoying this icy navel play. Sundar gave another try, but this time he got it right and as much as 6 drops filled her navel like a pool in one minute.

He was happy since he won. But Mahesh and Ritu were pleasured too in their own way. After a while, Sundar’s mother came and picked him up. After they left, Ritu told, ”You are using me so badly”. Mahesh replied, ”You know how pleasurable it is to see someone playing with your navel. I enjoyed it.” Ritu returned to the bedroom with both pleasure and anger.

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