Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 4

Party with the Boss

Ritu and Mahesh were getting ready for the boss’s party. Mahesh wore a simple black suit. Ritu was also getting dressed. She wore her petticoat about two inches below her navel. She then put on a very tight blouse and started draping a black saree.

Just then Mahesh entered her room. Her belly was really tempting him. He kneeled down near her and squeezed her belly flesh.

She gave a sudden Aaahhhh! and said “Mahi.. this is not the time to play. Are you ready?”

He replied,” Of course I am ready. So is my navel queen ready to party?”

“Yes I will be I a few minutes. “She replied. When she turned he asked, “What is this?”. She was puzzled and said, ”What?”.

Mahesh asked, “You usually wear only transparent sarees to parties. This time you have worn a non-transparent one. Also you have covered your navel with your pallu despite wearing the petticoat below the navel. I know you like it when men admire your navel. You told you will only cover it at temples and pujas. What happened?”.

She smiled and told,” Calm down Mahi. I know how you love it too when others admire your wife’s navel. But let me explain first. I have worn it this way because your boss loves to ogle at my navel. ” Mahesh replied, “What? I don’t get it.”

Ritu explained, ”Do you remember at our marriage reception that I was in that low hip lehenga and how your boss hung around for more than an hour just to stare at my navel. Well this time that’s not going to happen. I am going to tease him by keeping my navel covered but my belly exposed. Let’s see if he has the guts to try something to have a peak at my navel or even more try to touch it maybe.”

He replied, ”Oh come on Ritu. Although he is my manager and smart in many things, he is kind of weak in these kinds of things. I mean he is very decent towards women except for this navel fetish thing he has. And that too he is driven a little crazier towards your navel more than other women. I mean you have met his wife right. She is a bit obese and her belly kind of overflows almost hiding her tiny navel. It is not pleasing to see. What will the poor guy do?” She with a sarcastic tone asked, ”Mahi…How do you know so much about your boss’ wife so much?” He replied, ”Well once I have went to his home to get a signature for a important business deal. He was not there and I had to wait. His wife got dressed to go out somewhere. When she came out of her room in t-shirt and jeans, oh god I almost fainted. She was so fat that her belly stuck out of her t-shirt and her navel was very small and hairy. Imagine seeing such a thing on a daily basis in bed. Then only I understood why a man like my boss is so crazy on your navel.” She told,” Wow you know just a bit of makeover and change in dressing can make her look good. So don’t blabber too much. Anyway, coming back to what I was saying. Today your boss is going to be really teased. That’s for sure.”

He replied, ”Well, let’s see what happens. You ready?”. She replied, ”Yes”. Together Mahesh and Ritu got into their car and drove off to the party.

They reached the boss’s house. The party was held in the landscaped garden at the back of the house. As they entered a woman in her late 30s dressed in a red silk saree welcomed them. It was Sona, the boss’s wife. Sona greeted them,” Hello Mr & Mrs Mahesh. Welcome Welcome.” Mahesh replied, ”Hi Mam how do you do?” She replied, ”I am fine. Wow Ritu your saree looks great.” Ritu replied, ”Thank you mam. Yours looks gorgeous as well”. Giving a sudden look to Mahesh, she asked, ”Mam! where is Sir? I want to greet him on his promotion.” And once again glanced and smiled at Mahesh. Sona replied, ”Oh wait let me get him for you”. She looked around and then called out, ”Tushar..Tushar”. A man in his early 40s dressed in a grey Nehru-type suit turned and came forward. It was Tushar, Mahesh’s boss. He was very happy to see them both. He came and hugged ,”Oh Mahi how are you man? How was your trip?”. He replied, ”Good sir. It was little tiring but good.” Tushar turned towards Ritu and said, ”Hi Ritu how do you do?” She replied, ”Very fine”. He then quickly glanced her exposed midriff area and found that her navel was covered.

Ritu and Mahesh noticed this and smiled at each other. Then Tushar told Ritu,”You look really stunning tonight. The black saree really compliments you skin tone. Nice.” Sona told,”Ya even I felt the same”.

Ritu replied, ”Thank you sir. The saree was Mahesh’s selection”. Tushar while looking at Mahesh replied, ”Well his selection is always the best.” Everybody laughed and then both Mahesh and Ritu gave him a flower bouquet and congratulated him.

Then all the guests gathered together. The friends and employees including Mahesh each spoke few words about Tushar and his achievements. Finally they proposed a toast for him and the buffet dinner began. Tushar’s eyes searched for Ritu and it followed her every move in an attempt to peak at her navel. Mahesh noted Tushar’s desperation. Ritu also was indirectly noticing Tushar.

After a few minutes, the wind came to the help of Tushar and blew a little fast. Thereby Ritu’s pallu gave way for her navel treasure to be revealed. Tushar’s eyes almost popped out. Some other guests to also began to stare at the precious navel that was hidden so far. Mahesh was noticing all this and was smiling to himself. But before long Ritu looked around and immediately adjusted her saree.

Tushar got frustrated and became too desperate. He badly wanted to see it again. He noticed his wife was busy talking to a group of female colleagues. So he sat at one of the many tables put for the guests which was near to the table where the buffet food was kept. As expected Mahesh & Ritu came near to help themselves for some food. Tushar used the oldest trick in the book and turned one of the pedestal fans towards her to disturb the pallu and it did. Now her navel was open and just inches near his face. He even unintentionally tried to touch it. But before which once again Ritu covered it.

Mahesh & Ritu smiled and glanced at each other. Tushar was once again disappointed. Then after finishing his dinner, he searched for Ritu once again but couldn’t find her. He thought they might have left but had a thought that Mahesh would not leave without telling him. He went to use the restroom, during which through the men’s restroom window, he heard someone talking. Then realized it was Mahesh and Ritu on the other side pathway leading to the women’s restroom. Ritu told, ”Look Mahi. I told you know that he doesn’t have the guts to do it.” Mahesh replied, ”Don’t sound rude. At least he tried that fan thing.” She told,” It was stupid. It is what kids do these days”. He said, ”Stop it. I told you know he is innocent and decent.” She replied, ”More like timid and frightened” and laughed. He concluded, ”Ok stop laughing. Lets go.”

On hearing this Tushar was bit angry but also a little relaxed since now that he knows even if he does something she and Mahesh won’t make a fuss of it. Now he was confident. He came out and saw Ritu standing with a glass of juice while Mahesh was busy talking. Tushar turned the fan towards her once again. But before Ritu could adjust, Tushar came with a bucket of ice cubes and askes her if needs some ice for her drink. She said yes. Then he intentionally dropped one of the ice cubes right on her navel which was open due to the fan. It missed her navel but slid along her curvy midriff sprinkling a drop of ice water into her navel. Ritu felt this sudden chill and breathed heavily closing her eyes.

Mahesh from a distance noticed it and was surprised. Tushar acted as if he dropped it accidentally and apologized to her. Then while bending to take the dropped ice cube to put it away, he blew right on her ice drop filled navel. She couldn’t control herself. She gave a light moan Mmmmmmmm! and bit her lips.

Since this was happening a little away from the main tables and everybody were busy talking and eating and drinking, no one seemed to notice except for Mahesh who knew clearly what was happening. Tushar gave a smile to Ritu and walked away.

Then Mahesh came near Ritu and asked, ”Looks like he tried something at last. That’s my boss for you. Now do you agree he is bold?” Ritu replied, ”Ya I really didn’t expect this. I was so turned on I almost reached an orgasm”.

Mahesh laughed. Finally the party was over. Mahesh and Ritu went to thank Tushar & Sona for the party. During which suddenly Tushar told, ”Sona! Look at this” and used his right hand middle finger to move away Ritu’s saree pallu to reveal her iced wet navel.

Ritu, Mahesh and Sona were in a bit of shock on Tushar. He told, ”Sona do you see that?” Sona confused, ”What are you doing. What is it?” He told, ”I didn’t notice at first but looks like Ritu has put on some weight” and started squeezing the side of her belly.

Ritu was once again turned on but tried hard not to show it on her face. He asked Sona, ”Come on Sona. Touch and see for yourself.” Then Sona too started touching and squeezing Ritu’s belly and said,” Yes Tushar. There is a bit of weight. But it does look nice on her anyway.

Everyone smiled but Ritu was in no position to do that she was fully turned on. She brought her legs together and was standing in an attention pose. Tushar asked,” What happened Ritu? Did you feel hurt on my comment. I am sorry”. Ritu was just shaking her head. Mahesh understood and told, ”Its because she ate a little more tonight.” Ritu with discomfort said, ”Yes sir that’s why. Excuse me but I have to use the bathroom” and rushed fast. Mahesh and Tushar knew why. After she returned, both of them left home. Ritu had one of the most unforgettable parties ever.

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