Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 3

Return of Mahesh

Ritu’s dear husband Mahesh has returned from a long work trip in a late night flight. It was 2am. He heads home. She gets ready to welcome him in a saree worn in her usual “navel” style.

Ritu eagerly awaits him. Finally at home, Mahesh rings the door bell and Ritu opens the door striking an inviting pose with her navel taking centerstage. He looked at him with teasing gaze. Her eyes filled with love and lust at the same time.

Mahesh exclaimed,” Rituuuu!!! My dear wifey!! My thoppul rani!!! Missed you a lot. How are you?”. Ritu responded,”I am doing good Mahi. I too missed you”. They both hug each other her tight and they share a kiss.

He becomes very excited and playfully spanks her shapely ass like a tabela. He then went to squeeze her soft navel and belly region like chapati dough. Ritu moaned,” SSSSShhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Maahhhiiiii!!!”.

He closed the front door and removed her saree. Ritu subconsciously covered her boobs with her hands and looked down with feminine shyness.

He then bent down and grabbed her belly and started landing multiple kisses on her navel. Ritu goes,”AAAhhhhhh! Been waiting a long time for this!”.

Ritu ran slowly walked backwards to the bedroom and falls flat on the bed. Mahesh joins her on the bed and slowly caresses her cheek and neck.

He then moves down to tease her navel by gently kissing all around her belly but missing her navel intentionally. Ritu was getting tempted. He then went for the kill by inserting his wet tongue in her deep deep navel and started licking vigorously.

Ritu while biting her lips moaned,”SSSSSSsssssssshhhhhhhhhh!!!! OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh….Don’t stop Mahi!!”. Ritu was now fully turned on and was sweating. She turned over and Mahesh was still hunting her belly kissing and squeezing it.

Ritu was now fully horny. Both of them started undressing each other. Then Mahesh slowly inserted his fully erect manhood into her vaginal orifice and with gentle thrusts, start making love in a sensuous manner. Ritu was enjoying every bit of it and finally got a heavenly orgasm. Ritu goes, “Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! SSShhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Her orgasmic scream echoed in the bedroom.

The next morning Mahesh wakes up to see Ritu not in bed. He finds her in the kitchen. He sneaks behind her and grabs her by the waist.

Mahesh,”Good morning my cute pondati!”

Ritu,”Good Morning Mahi. Ahhh!! stop it.. I just had a bath”

“So what I still haven’t bathed”,he said.

She told,” Oh! Stop your stupid jokes and go take a bath. I will get breakfast ready for you.”

“Oh come on Ritu. Its Sunday”, he replied. “Atleast brush your teeth”,she said.

Mahesh takes a bath and they both have breakfast.

“So tell me what all happened when I was away. Did you have any affair with someone?,” he asked.

“Seriously you are such an idiot Mahi! Don’t you have any trust on me. Why did you have any where you went?” She asked angrily.

“God! I was just kidding. Can’t you take a joke?” he replied.

“Hereafter stop your stupid humor. Its tiresome.” she replied.

“Ok now seriously anything interesting happen while I was away?” he asked.

“Well two things happened.” she told. “What?” he asked curiously.

She told him with a little shyness about the chocolate game she played with the neighbor kid Sundar.

Mahesh with a smile, “So you did have an affair. That too with an innocent kid.”.

Ritu explained,” Look Mahi, I got a bit turned on that day while watching TV. You know what I become when I am turned on. Sundar is an adolescent boy and he kind of looks like you in your childhood. So I just made him play with my navel for a small pleasure. That’s all. Its not like I had sexual activity with him.”

“Ok Ritu. Take it easy. I can understand. So what was the other thing?” he asked.

She explained the entire priest incident. He burst into laughter and said,”That’s the most stupidest thing I have ever heard.” Ritu angrily ,”Its true ok. I am not bluffing.” “So you won’t expose your navel at a temple. Right?” he asked. “Yes”, she replied.

“Well lets see how long you are controlled. Oh I almost forgot. We have to go to a party today evening”, he told.

“What party?”, she asked. “My boss got promoted as the Director for our region last week. He is hosting a party for that.” “Are your referring to that guy who was ogling at my navel for hours at our wedding reception. Isn’t he your boss?” she asked.

“Ya that’s him. He invited me personally and told me to bring you without fail “, he told with a sarcastic smile.

“Hmm…he probably wants to ogle at my navel again”, she told. “Oh come on Ritu leave that poor guy. Don’t blame him. Almost most of the guests were peeking at your navel. It was the talking point in our wedding”, he told while looking at their wedding photo frame hung on the wall.

Mahesh and Ritu had an arranged marriage. It was Ritu’s desire to have a beach wedding with a North Indian theme although both of them were from South India. She wore a gorgeous lehenga in low hip style which showcased her midriff and navel.

During the wedding arrangements itself, the parents from both families did not approve of her outfit. However, it was Mahesh who stood along with Ritu and supported her. Their obsession for navels is one of the first things they had in common which made them to connect well. He truly loved her from the first day he laid eyes on her. Although, he knew there would be loads of horny men ogling at her navel including his own boss, he believed in letting Ritu being herself, especially on her dressing style. He never interferes in it.

Ritu loved him equally for he is not just a navel obsessed husband who plays with her navel but also a humble guy who respects her beauty, feelings and opinions. She still remembers during the wedding many of the male guests complimenting her navel and she actually loved it. At the same time, she thought he would become possessive and might get angry or hurt. But Mahesh was casual about it and even made her feel comfortable about it. This love that they have for each other has helped them to have a steady relationship despite his travel and staying away from home for a long time routine. Mahesh even asked Ritu if she would like to work and have a career of her own as she holds a Masters degree in Business Management. But she has not put much thought into it and just like to take time to decide on her own in the future.

Mahesh naughtily asked,” So, Ritu! Are you ready to seduce my boss with your sexy navel?”.

Ritu played along and replied,” Only if my husband allows it!”.

He replied, “Don’t worry. I will convince him. Hahahaha..!!”.

She concluded,” Hahaha….Enough Mahi. Stop talking and finish your breakfast.”

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