Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 24

Farewell to Madhu and Sundar

Sonali’s arrest created a tense environment at the apartment for a week.  There was a lot of suspicion between neighbours and the association revamped some rules and policies for new and existing residents. Things were getting back to normal slowly. The summer holidays had begun for Sundar since the exams were over. Ritu too was excited, now that all the problems are resolved and Sonali was out of the picture, she can spend more time with Sundar. But there was a sudden news which changed everything. Sundar and Madhu were very sad when they started talking about it. Ritu told,”What? I can’t believe this. Why this is needed at all?”. Madhu replied,”What to do Ritu? I didn’t know Raghav would go to this extent. I know he was very rough since the navel pooja incident, but working to get a transfer to his hometown is too much. He has got his transfer request approved just before Sonali’s arrest which  came to his advantage, and now he is making us to move to his hometown as well”. Ritu said,”What about Sundar’s schooling and your job?”. Madhu,”I am quitting my job. I have resigned and in my 15 day notice period already. Sundar is going to be put in the town school there. The same school where Raghav studied”. Sundar told in a crying voice,”I don’t want to go to that school Ritu aunty. All my friends are here only”. Madhu,”Sundar. What did I tell you? You should not cry infront of Ritu aunty”. While saying this, Madhu too had few tears, since she will be losing her new borne freedom, her happiness to be play with Sundar and last but not least getting away from her best friend Ritu. Ritu asked,”When are you planning to move?”, Madhu told,” In two days. We are already packing. Sundar’s TC will come by tomorrow”. Ritu told,”Ohh that is too soon”. Sundar suddenly came and hugged Ritu near her navel and said,”I don’t want to go and will be with Ritu aunty”.

Ritu felt warm for the affection Sundar has for her. She told him,”Look Sundar. If you stay here, then who will be there for your mom when she goes there? Who will take care of her? Who will be protect her if your dad scolds her? Only you can right?”. Sundar nodded in agreement. Ritu continued,”Ok since you are still not convinced, I will give you a gift”. Sundar asked,”What aunty?”. Ritu with a smile,”You remember you told you want to play with your mom’s navel and mine at the same time. Let’s do that before you leave”. Sundar got excited. Ritu said,”Madhu you accept it right?”. Madhu was surprised and then eventually she agreed. This brought smiles to Sundar. He began to look forward to the next day. When Mahesh came back, Ritu shared the news to him. He too felt sad to miss Sundar and his naughtiness.

The next day evening Madhu and Sundar arrived. Mahesh actually took Raghav out for a while intentionally during the same time. It all started. In front of Sundar where two of his favorite navels.

He became so excited, he fingered and tickled both their navels with each hand.

Then his naughtiness kicked in. He put his full finger inside Ritu’s navel, which she did not expect.

Followed by squeezing Madhu’s fleshy navel in the palm of his hand,

Then he kissed Ritu’s navel,

and kissed Madhu’s hip,

It was like a dream come true for him.

Then he made both of them lie down, and threw fruits on both their navels like Apple for Ritu and Mango for Madhu etc.,

Now, for the final play, he brought the top that Ritu bought for him and spun it several times on both Ritu and Madhu’s navels.

Afterwards, thet all became tired but enjoyed the crazy moment very much and started chatting while having snacks. Time passed and their long chats concluded. Sundar thanked Ritu for the dreamy experience. Madhu too was happy and they left. Just in time, Mahesh returned with Raghav. During dinner, Ritu was detailing about the crazy evening. Mahesh noticed her wet eyes, as she was talking. She badly misses their company. The next day, Ritu and Mahesh bid farewell to Madhu and Sundar.

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