Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 23

Navel Hypnotism Ends

The priest had asked her to meet him immediately at the ashram once he heard all of the disturbing events from Ritu. The chief priest (CP) welcomed the worried Ritu. Ritu was bombarding him with questions all the questions in her mind. The CP controlled her and talked, ”Ritu let me speak out. You will get all the answers. Do you remember why you got the navel hypnotism power?”. Ritu replied,”Yes. It was a gift from Devi Matha Swami(DMS) from helping you with the pooja”. CP told, ”Why was that pooja needed?” Ritu said, ”To wash away a sin because two devotees broke the sainthood and got sexually involved”. CP now told, ”Can you guess who those two could be? ”. Ritu was puzzled. How could she know them. After some thought, she understood it. She told, ”Swamiji, are those two devotees Sonali and her husband? I am just telling”. CP with a wide smile, ”Exactly. See I knew you were an intelligent woman the day I saw you. But it’s not their real names I think. We used to call her Shanthi. From what I heard, I easily guessed that this Sonali is indeed Shanthi. She and her husband were thrown out making bathroom videos of women bathing using hidden cameras. When they were caught, they begged for mercy. So we didn’t report to police. But all their hard drives and laptops were destroyed. They moved to Mumbai . Recently, her husband got arrested for the same act with proof. So she ran away from Mumbai and started her work again here. When she helped for a pooja in the ashram , she was offered the same navel hypnotic power by DMS, but more better than yours which she was using it for these bad deeds”. Ritu with a surprise asked, ”Swamiji! How do you know all this after she left the ashram?”. CP told, ”When she came from Mumbai, I accidentally met her at a temple. She was very miserable and told me everything. But she was not heeding to any of the good advice I was giving. I even told about you and how good you are with that power. But that was the mistake I did which made her to target you. I am very sorry Ritu”. Ritu told, ”It’s OK Swamiji! Mistakes happen. But for me to forgive you, you have to help me stop her and remove her power”. CP told, ”Yes of course Ritu. You deserve that. There is a navel pooja to counteract and terminate her powers. But there is a problem ”. Ritu asked, ”What Swamiji?”. CP told, ”First, you will lose your navel hypnotism power as well. Second, it will be a bit painful since some extreme acts have to be done. Third, you must sacrifice an ornament or item which is close to your navel. It must be put into the holy fire during the pooja to effectively complete it. In your case, it must be your belly chain”. Ritu was stunned to hear this, although she was ok with the pain part but to sacrifice her hypnotism power and her husband’s gift made her sad. Ritu asked, ”Is there any other ornament which can be sacrificed? What if I didn’t have a belly chain”. The CP smiled and told, ”That’s where you are lucky Ritu. If you didn’t have a belly chain or navel ring for that matter, then this pooja is not at all possible since it requires an item which is always near your navel. So without the belly chain, the pooja cannot be done”. Ritu was devastated to the situations she had to face. But she was bold and agreed to the pooja. The CP asked her to come next day afternoon in saree.

Ritu reached home late. Mahesh had already reached and cooked for her too. He asked her where she was and why she did not attend her calls. She went silently to the bedroom. She again started crying, Mahesh hugged her and asked her about what was disturbing. Unable to hold on any longer, she opened up and told everything she had faced in the last 6 hours. She cried as she spoke, Mahesh gave her water periodically and listened to her patiently. She stopped her tears once she was done. Mahesh was shocked, angry and worried for Ritu. He again hugged her. She told, ”Mahi, I didn’t want to burden you with this. But I just could not digest this”. Mahesh took her hand and said, ”Look, I am equally disturbed as you are. But none of this your fault. So we should stop worrying and act fast.  And that bitch Sonali has to pay for your tears. I will support you fully in this”. Ritu now had tears of joy for Mahesh. She never ever would find a guy like him who would so understand. She hugged him tightly and kissed his lips with passion.

Then, Mahesh took her to bed. She slept due to all the tiredness and crying. He could not sleep and his mind was plotting to make Sonali suffer. His heart couldn’t bear the love of his life tearing up so much. The next day, Ritu will have go to the ashram by afternoon and get the pooja done successfully. Mahesh for his side, called Tushar and got the contact of the city police deputy commissioner (DC) who is a relative of his boss. Through him, he got to know that Sonali is actually wanted and she has been living with fake names in different cities. Through him, the information of her was sent to the Cyber Crime cell. DC made arrangements to get the arrest warrant as they had proof of her crimes but were finding it difficult due to her fake identities. But he insisted the arrest happen in the evening. The DC had few of his best officers ready around the apartment in undercover, to know that she did not escape. Ritu left to the ashram. Mahesh in the meantime, had to ensure that Sonali does not leave or escape. But if he sees her, she might hypnotize and escape or do some more of her evil acts. So he did a bold move to steal the spare key of her apartment from the association office and lock her apartment. Sonali was not aware of any these as she thought that Ritu was too scared and worried to talk about this to anyone. She had made a bad judgment. She was joyfully wandering inside her apartment with music in her headphones, during the afternoon not realizing the door even getting locked.

Ritu reached the ashram, went inside where the preparations were ready. A big holy fire was burning.  She was dressed as instructed in a silk saree with her navel fully exposed.

This time only the CP was there and no assistants were around. First, he made her stand with her hands above her head, started chanting mantras. He stood behind her and made wavy gestures with his hands before her navel.

Then he came in front and touched her navel with a wooden stick and poked it while chanting mantras again. She moaned a bit.

Next, came a surprise, he brought an ancient sword and poked her navel hard. He screamed with pleasure and pain.

Then he made her lie down. Next, came another extreme act where he brought a lighted candle and pour drops of the liquid hot wax on her belly and navel while chanting mantras.

She beared the pain with difficulty since the wax was eroding her delicate skin. He then poured a bottle of rose water on her navel.

Then, he took the sword and rubbed it gently across her belly.

Then, he put a single drop of milk on her navel, while chanting mantras.

Then, he took a colored stone which looked like an emerald and dropped it on her navel. It bounced like a water bed. She closed her eyes and moaned a bit.

He then, shouted a mantra and then took a stamp shaped stone and hit her navel hard twice.She closed her eyes and beared the pleasure and pain.

Simultaneously, he put the chain in the holy fire. Then he asked her to stand and rubbed a small bit of hay on her navel. She moaned again.

Finally, he took the sword again and poked her navel again. She gave another moan with her scream.

Now, the pooja was over. When this happened, Sonali felt a moderate pain in her belly and navel. She felt something was crawling all over her navel. So, she checked it in the mirror,

Ritu too felt a different feeling on her navel. After sometime, the pain stopped for Sonali. The feeling went away as well for Ritu. They both have now lost their navel hypnotism power. Once this was done, Ritu thanked the CP and called Mahesh to inform about this. Mahesh, then was waiting anxiously in his house to get call from DC regarding the arrest warrant. After few minutes, the DC called about the warrant and it was on. The police guys marched in, and reached her apartment. Once the door opened, the police stormed inside. Mahesh joined in. Sonali was shocked. The police found her laptop and lot of hard drives and camera gadgets. These were the items she got transported by the movers so quietly. Since she saw Mahesh, she understood Ritu had called the police. When they tried to arrest her, she began to belly dance to focus them on her navel.

The police were confused and start laughing at her. Mahesh understood what she was trying, but he too joined with the laughter around. Sonali was ultimately stunned that nobody was getting hypnotized. She did not understand and felt like a joker. She tried to run off. The police stopped at her door and arrested her. All the items were confiscated. She was took via the stairs, the association heads and residents tried to stopped them. The police told that she is a wanted criminal for cyber crime. By this time, Ritu arrived and went to Mahesh. Even Madhu , Sundar and Raghav were around when Sonali was brought down to the police vehicle. Sonali searched for only one person in the crowd, Ritu. When she found Ritu, she gave her a deady stare. In turn, Ritu gave a naughty smile to her with anger in her eyes. Then later, Mahesh got confirmation from the DC that all the videos have been destroyed and this matter will not be revealed by anybody.

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