Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 22

Ritu’s official rival

Ritu had a shocking idea in her mind about Sonali after hearing about her from Sundar. But she needed to verify that but how to do that, she wondered. She chose an afternoon. Mahesh was in office. Raghav and Madhu too were in their offices and Sundar in school. Only Sonali and herself were in the entire floor. She knocked her door. Sonali greeted, ”Hey Ritu! Come in! How can I help you?”. Ritu responded,” My laptop is having issues. If you don’t mind, can I use your laptop please?”. Sonali after a thought agreed. Ritu entered and sat at the system. Sonali came near and was pulling a chair to sit. Ritu told, ”I will be handling some financials. If you don’t mind, can I get some privacy please?”. Sonali was startled but agreed and went to the kitchen to make some coffee for Ritu.

Once she was away, Ritu started searching the drives for any files or videos. Ritu was technically sound as she had a bachelors degree in computer science engineering before taking up masters degree. If she had opted for a career, she would have been equally successful as Mahesh. She was not able to find anything suspicious. Until, something struck her attention. It was zipped folder with a password. None of the folders or other zip files had passwords except for this. Ritu was scared if her guess was wrong and she would be accessing some confidential/personal files and get into trouble. She had experience cracking passwords during her college days. She gave lot of tries for the password but none were working. Sonali was almost ready with the coffee. She then gave one last try, which Sonali had frequently told about. The date on which she got her navel pierced. Ritu entered the date and voila. The zip file was open. Ritu got a shock of her life. It had folders containing a lot of hidden camera videos of people involved in sexual acts. What shocked her most, was the folder of the dates which Ritu and Sundar were not remembering had videos too. The day Ritu was not remembering had two videos. She put the system in mute and played the videos. One in which Madhu’s husband Raghav was kissing and sucking Ritu’s navel with her moaning loudly.

He was rubbing face all over her navel.

The other video had Mahesh kissing and sucking Madhu’s navel on bed.

Similarly, on the dates where Sundar was not remembering had videos of Sundar sucking his mom’s navel.

Ritu’s guess now got confirmed. All of them were “navel hypnotized” by Sonali. In the name of her belly dancing, she had navel hypnotized people.

That’s why herself and Sundar were not remembering those evenings.  “So are you enjoying the videos?” A husky voice in a villainous tone haunted the room. Ritu turned to see Sonali with the coffee on her hand. Ritu hurriedly closed the folder. Sonali continued, ”I appreciate your intelligence in finding the videos, but didn’t you realize there is a mirror behind you and I can see what you are doing in the system even from the kitchen”. Ritu with nervousness and anger shouted, ”What nonsense is this Sonali? Adult videos of innocent people. Why did you do this? How did you get the hypnotism power?”. Sonali in a cool tone,”Oh come on babe! One question at a time. Yes, I have the same navel hypnotism power that you have, but a better one. I can hypnotize anybody, anywhere, anytime. No limitations like yours”. Ritu who was facing shock after shock said, ”How did you know I have navel hypnotism power?”. Sonali said, ”Oh! Go and check on it with the man who gave you that. He is the one who gave it to me too. And about the videos, it’s my part time job! I shoot videos like these and sell them. You know there is a huge demand for these voyeur videos currently. I decided to come here after I met Madhu and her son. But you made it even more exciting by your navel beauty. So I had lot of stuff to shoot as videos. What you saw is just one part. I have lot of videos of residents doing unbelievable sexual acts. And you are the first and only lucky lady to see her own video before I dispatch them in the internet through my secret friends. I am gonna do that tomorrow. ” Ritu was literally in tears. Sonali continued ,”If you think can expose me and get me arrested. Good luck. I can hypnotize my way out of anything right now”. Ritu was speechless. She ran out crying.

Once at her apartment, she cried all afternoon. She could not digest what she saw and heard. She was thinking what will happen if poor Madhu gets to know she is in a hidden camera video. She felt frustrated that she was hypnotized which she didn’t even realize. She felt even more anger and pain thinking about her husband in bed with Madhu. In the confusion, she did not get to know if those videos are already out or yet to be. Either way, Sonali would not have told the truth. She felt helpless. But decided if anybody is going to stop her it will be her. She picked her mobile and called the priest who gave her the navel hypnotism power.

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