Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 20

Sundar - The Navel Hunter

Sundar is now well informed. He was curious about his dick movement everytime he sees and feels a navel. After some exploration into my unusual parts of the internet and some advice from dirty classmates, Sundar now knows about masturbation and his desire for navels. He had begun masturbating to the same magazine pics of heroine’s navel which he had safeguarded from his mom. But at the same time, he felt uncomfortable to masturbate for his mom’s navel. He wanted more, and started his hunt for navels whenever and wherever he got the chance. This desire in him was boosted due to the experiences at Sonali’s party.

His limitations and rules with Ritu and Madhu were not finding importance in his mind currently. Every day, he tries to see or touch random navels, and then he will fantasize and masturbate about them. All this without his mom getting know about. His favorite fantasy was a combination of Ritu and Sonali. That is, Ritu’s belly chain with a ring in her navel like Sonali.

Sometimes, he peeks in the key hole when his mom dresses to see if she wears her saree below her navel.

The sight of the petticoat being pulled below the navel, also became one of his fantasies. It starts as an accident due to film scenes, but now he peeks in periodically.

 It was a weekend. Sundar sometimes visits the local library in their area, to get books for few elders at the apartment. The same library is used by some of the college students in their area as well. One such day, when he was in the library, he noticed a college girl in low hip jeans with her navel exposed.

His dirty mind started working. He slowly followed her and stopped at the opposite side of shelf were she was standing. The metal shelves did not have any back panels, so if the books are taken one can see the other side. So he carefully found a position, pulled some books and her navel was within reach to him. In the name of the taking a book, he slightly touched and massaged her navel with his palm.

Sharmili library navel

She was taken by surprise, but her lips and gave a slight SSSsssss!!!

Before she could see him, he walked out quickly. During early morning, he goes to his balcony or terrace, to look at girls’ in the next building exercising.

Most will be shown unintentionally when they their t-shirts do hide and seek when they stretch or do aerobics.

Mostly the girls will not mind since Sundar is still a kid, which he uses to his advantage. Whenever, there is slight navel slip when Sundar is around, it will not escape his eye. Whether it is a one of the apartment neighbours or just the maid.

As days passed,he became bold enough to do his hunting even when his mom was nearby. At a supermarket once, when his mom was busy at the bill counter, he turned the fan to make the saree reveal the navel of a tall lady trying to get an item from the top shelf.

Another time, he went along with his mom to a function at their home. His eyes were targeting a lady who was performing with her navel displayed.

His staring were so disturbing, she actually covered her navel fully after finishing dancing.

While another had her navel covered, her hip folds became Sundar’s target.

She felt uncomfortable and had to close her hip fully to escape his hunting.

Each day he used to masturbate on his fantasies and hunts of the day without his mom knowing about it. Then, came a day when he had an ultimate bold treat. There was a field trip for the museum organized by his school. Each day one class will visit. The date for his class came. He was excited. It became even more, when the female guide came. She was in a bright red saree with her navel in full view.

She helped the kids to board the bus. One teacher accompanied them. Sundar sat in the first row seat behind the driver, away from the window. Once the bus started, she stood up and started explaining about the trip. She was standing very close to Sundar. There were only few inches between his face and her navel.

After the explanation, she noticed this and covered her navel. After they reached, the class was taken around. Sundar was dying to see her navel again. After a round, they all sat for some refreshments , this time she adjusted her hair making way for her navel to be displayed but covered it. Sundar was noticing it.

Just then, she got a phone call and moved away to take the call. She stood near the window, when the wind blowed her saree to reveal her navel but covered it again.

Sundar was becoming uncontrollable. He felt a different feeling. It was not like he was hunting for her navel but she was like teasing Sundar by showing and hiding her navel. The trip was almost complete. She told the teacher that she will get the return gifts for the kids and he needed one volunteer. The teacher called one girl. But the female guide resisted and chose Sundar since she needed a boy to carry the heavyweight. Sundar was surprised. She told the teacher to wait and took Sundar to the stairs. Sundar was nervous. They reached the top floor which was empty with only one room which was the godown storage for items. Once inside, she directed Sundar to pick up a big bunch of boxes and pens. When he did, gave it to her. Just then, the wind again blew to showcase her navel.

Sundar was awestruck and stared with his mouth open. He forgot that she is noticing it. She suddenly locked the door inside and said the unexpected words,”Hey boy! Do you wanna suck my navel?”. Sundar was stunned. He didn’t have a reply in his dried out mouth due to nervousness. She gave a naughty smile and said, ”I have been noticing you from the morning. You are staring at my navel the whole time”. Sundar replied in a stammered tone, ”I am sorry mam.I..I..”. She replied, ”Don’t worry. If you don’t want me to say anything to your teacher, then suck my navel now. I love it when kids like you play with my navel”. Sundar was sweating and confused. She took his hand and kept it on her buttery navel. Now, Sundar could not control, he leaned down and sucked her navel wildly. The way Sundar was tasting her navel made her aroused so much, she almost reached orgasm.

After about 5 minutes, he stopped and ran out to the bathroom. His dick was almost bursting. She too adjusted herself. After few minutes, they went down together with the return gifts. Not saying a word to each other. Finally, Sundar left in the bus with satisfaction. He reached home. He was so excited. His mom was busy in the kitchen. He opened the return gift which had a lot of souvenir items, one of them was a peacock feather. He took it and went to the kitchen. His mom was in the position he wanted, her hands above reaching for the top shelf. He tickled her navel mildly. She closed her eyes in pleasure.

Madhu told to stop it, he did. He then hugged her hip and squeezed her navel.

Madhu moaned and said,”Ahhhh..That’s enough. Go to your room”. After sometime, he went inside to change. He was recollecting this day which was memorable, since today, he was actually hunted to play with her navel. He thought about it and smiled.

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