Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 19

Tushar’s one last chance

Ritu and Mahesh checked in to the hotel at Bangalore. Then went out for some sightseeing. Ritu was fascinated by the electronic city. The entire day they went around to malls, gardens and different restaurants. It was like a second honeymoon for them. After reaching the room at evening, Sundar’s boss Tushar came to meet them. He had just returned from his 6 month onsite assignment. He has a secret craving for Ritu’s navel but does not yet know that he was hypnotized and then enjoyed her navel. Tushar said, ”Hey Mahesh! How are you? It has been a long time”.  Mahesh replied, ”Very good Sir. How about you?”. He replied, ”I am fine too. Congrats man. Excellent job with the sales last year. You deserve this”. Mahesh said, ”Thank you sir. It was your guidance that helped me a lot”. Just then Ritu entered. She was in her usual manner, navel exposed in a saree.

Tushar turned and the first thing he noticed was her navel and waist chain. He sarcastically said, ”Hey Ritu! How do you do? There seems to be something new in your Madhya Pradesh”. Ritu laughed and said,“ Yes sir. It is a gift from Mahesh. As usual his selection”. Tushar bent down and came near her navel to get a closer look.

He said, ”Mahesh can never go wrong in his selection. He always chooses the best”. The conversation continued for a while where Ritu and Mahesh were noticing Tushar’s frequent glances at Ritu’s navel. The chit chat ended when Tushar got a call from his wife. After he left, Mahesh said, ”Looks like Tushar missed your navel a lot. He was just drooling over it”. Ritu said, ”I know. He still does not know he had sucked my navel earlier”. Both laughed. It began to rain a bit. Then Ritu did her thing to seduce Mahesh. Went to the balcony and got drenched with her belly chain shining with water.

bhoj saree chain rain http://pzy.be/i/53802/1.gif

He lifted and carried her into the bathroom. Then squeezed and sucked her heavenly navel. Ritu gave some mild moans since it is a hotel and not their home.

The next day afternoon, they went to the function venue. It was more like a cocktail party rather than a typical stage-audience event. When they entered, almost all the men were focusing on Ritu’s beauty spot – her navel.

Tushar welcomed them in. His wife Sona too was there and greeted them. Then, Mahesh introduced Ritu to his colleagues and the top management. Many of them were with their families. One young boy maybe in his 20s, could not take his eyes off Ritu’s waist chain and navel while she was talking to others.

The event commenced. The welcome speech was given by the CEO congratulating Tushar, Mahesh and team. Followed by which the awards ceremony happened. Mahesh was in cloud nine .Ritu was so proud of him. Then, the buffet dinner started. Once again, she noticed Tushar glancing at her navel. At a moment, someone pushed Tushar accidentally and fell forward towards Ritu but got control and grabbed Ritu’s hip for balance.

But took it away immediately and apologized to Ritu. Mahesh noticed this, came near Ritu and asked, ”I saw that. Did he do that on purpose like last time?”. She replied, ”Maybe, he couldn’t take his eyes off my navel”. The party ended and everyone returned to their rooms. Ritu and Mahesh were getting ready for bed, when they heard the door knock. It was Tushar. They were surprised to see him at this time of the night.

He sat down and started,”Really sorry to disturb you guys at this time. I want to say something very important and I want it to be a secret. Can you please promise me?”. Both of them were curious and agreed. He continued,”Look, Mahesh you know me for quite a while. I am pretty sure you would have noticed me peeking at Ritu’s navel. I wanted to tell you I don’t want have any bad intentions towards your wife. It is just that I have a fetish for female navels since my childhood”. Ritu and Mahesh were awestruck when said “fetish”. He continued, ”Believe me I have not discussed this with anyone till now. Not even my wife. It is just so embarrassing. From that time, I used to masturbate on seeing magazines or TV. I have seen but never touched any navels at all. I wished to get a wife with a deep navel to play with. That was my childhood dream. I had locked up all my navel desires in me to touch only my wife and nobody else. But reality is different, I have got a wife whose navel is not very attractive and hates it when I touch her belly region. When the kids were born, it was all over. I was frustrated with my life for years. Until, I saw your wife and her navel during your marriage reception. My pent-up desires just blossomed. I could not control myself. I am sorry to say this Ritu but I have fantasized about your navel and masturbated in the last few months since I couldn’t see your navel”. Both were facing shocking confessions one after another from Tushar, which were making them speechless.

Tushar continued,” So now there is a new development. Due to our boost in sales, we have acquired a new project at onsite, to which I am being assigned. The project is actually huge, which may require me to move to US onsite for a solid 5 years. I don’t know when I will be able to see your navel again Ritu. I know you guys know about this weakness. I know you think that I am a pathetic pervert. But I can’t help it. Therefore, since I will be away for a long long time, I am making a humble request to you Mahesh to just touch Ritu’s navel for just a minute. That’s it. I know this is wrong. This will help me to bear with my inner cravings”. As Tushar was talking his voice became low and was almost getting tears. He said, ”You know I had built-up a lot of courage to say this. This is just so hard for me tell you Mahesh, since you were more like a friend than a colleague to me. If you think I am disgusting to ask this, then please give me a tight slap and lets finish this”. Mahesh and Ritu went inside to the bathroom and took some time to digest this. They could not decide how to handle this bizarre moment. Well it is awkward when your boss cries and requests to play with your wife’s navel since he will be missing it. Ritu talked, ”Mahi, I want to say I am ok for this if you accept. I mean this is not the first time you let some other guy play with my navel. This time it is different because it is a request instead of some pervert sneaking around or hypnotized for that matter. So what do you say?”. Mahesh after a long thought, ”You know what Ritu after hearing him speak, only one thing struck my mind. I was seeing in Tushar, a grownup Sundar who did not have a aunty like Ritu or a mom like Madhu to play with and living in regret. I know that guy, he is a very secretive person, but to open up about his sexual secrets to us, required some guts actually. I mean he could have just sneaked around and cheated to play with you. Otherwise, could have threatened my job and enjoyed you. But no, all he did was to request. So, I am fine too. Let’s give that a poor guy a treat”. Both laughed. They came out and Mahesh told,”Sir, we will accept your request but it should remain a secret. If this leaks, then we will leak your desires to your family and friends”. Tushar replied, ”No that won’t be necessary. Thanks for this”. Then Ritu told, ”You are getting a bonus. You can not only touch but play with my navel for the next 15 mins”. Tushar was so excited and nervous. Mahesh was seated while Ritu was standing in front of Tushar. It started. Tushar was literally drooling. He brought his index finger and brushed her navel.

Then, he bent down and gave a tight kiss on her hip curve. She moaned a small AAAAhhhh!!!

Then he removed the chain and started to finger her navel. Tushar was in lust land. Ritu was in heaven and moaned MMMMmmmm

He then pinched her navel, which drove her even more crazy.

Finally, he sucked and kissed her navel for a long time.

The 15 minutes were done. For Tushar, it was the best 15 minutes of his entire life. He thanked Mahesh and Ritu for the unusual gesture. He was so happy and left. Mahesh told Ritu,”Look at that guy, he is so happy as if he had fucked Sunny Leone”. Ritu replied,”Are you referring to me as Sunny Leone?”. Mahesh,”No dear.  Of course not. She may have everything but she does not have your navel.” They laughed and went to bed.

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