Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 18

Madhu's Navel Dance

Mahesh came running to Ritu in the kitchen. Hugged her tightly from back. Ritu was startled.

After catching his breath, he told,” Ritu, my boss Tushar just called me. Our team has done the maximum sales in the last year. Everyone of us in our team, will getting awards and huge incentives”. Ritu was pleased and congratulated him. He continued, ”For this our company is organizing an awards function at our head office in Bangalore next week. I am so excited. You are definitely coming with me”. Ritu does not like travelling that much, she told, ”I am so happy Mahi, but you I don’t like travelling. You go ahead to Bangalore”. Mahesh replied, ”But Ritu, this is a very important moment in my career. I want you to be with me for this. I need you my dear”. Ritu was not accepting despite many compulsions by him. Mahesh got disappointed. He then pulled her to him by grabbing her belly chain.

He stared into her eyes and told,”I know how to make you accept”. He then, started squeezing and sucking her belly flesh hard. Ritu closed her eyes and moaned,”Ohhhhh..Maheeeesssssh… AAAAAhhhhhhh!!!!….SSSTTTTOOOPPPPP!!!!”

He told,”No, not a chance. I am going to squeeze you till you accept. Even if it takes the whole day.” As he continued, Ritu began biting her lips and moaned,”SSSSsssssssss….”. She was becoming uncontrollable. Finally, she screamed ,”Yesss…Mahi..I accept…please stop it now”. Mahesh let go of her with a smile. Ritu told, ”Wow! You really had to do that to make me accept”. Mahesh responded,” Well I am your husband. I know your exact pleasure/pain points my dear”. Both laughed. Then Ritu shared the good news to Madhu and Sonali. They helped her with the travel shopping. Sundar was informed about this too and he was excited too to the extent that he wanted to accompany them to the function. He always showed the equal affection towards his mom and Ritu. After some fooling around, Sundar calmed down. Finally, Ritu and Mahesh, left early to Bangalore via flight the next day. They will return by next week.

The next day, was a Sunday and Sonali came to Madhu and asked if she can join her to a friend’s birthday party during the evening.Raghav was not in town. But Madhu, the traditional woman that she is, kindly rejected it. But the ever excited Sundar heard about this and wanted to go with Sonali. Madhu did not accept it at first, after some sweet talk by Sonali, Madhu accepted and she too will accompany Sonali with Sundar to the party. During afternoon, since Madhu has never been to such parties before, Sonali suggested her some modern wardrobe options in her apartment while Sundar was waiting in the hall. But Madhu preferred sarees. So, Sonali finally gave her black transparent saree. Madhu hesitated at first but then tried it.

Sonali was stunned. She looked homely and sexy at the same time. Madhu too was bold enough to wear it few inches below her navel. Her butter white belly and deep navel was glittering through the transparent pallu. Sonali told, ”You are one damn hot babe Madhu. People are gonna be drooling over you. You know what will make you even more sexy?”. Sonali bent down, adjusted Madhu’s pallu to reveal her navel fully and turned her to the mirror.

Madhu told,”No Sonali. I feel uncomfortable. Especially since Sundar is coming with me”. After some time, Sonali too was ready. When they came out, Sundar was stunned to see her mom’s navel in display like this. His manhood rose and he was indeed drooling over her navel. Sundar told,”Mom, you look very beautiful. You are going to show your thoppul like this. Super”. Then, they left to the party in a taxi cab.

They reached the hotel and went inside.Madhu was expecting to go to a banquet hall but Sonali took them to a place which Madhu didn’t expect. She took them to a pub. Madhu asked, ”Sonali, why are we here?”. Sonali with a smile said, ”The party is here only Madhu” and then dragged her inside along with Sundar. Once inside, Madhu was stunned to see the crazy crowd, dancing and drinking. She was a bit angry too since Sonali tricked her brought them.

It was indeed a party with a mix of different people. Sonali introduced Madhu to her friend. Madhu saw men in casuals, formals, funky outfits and women in shorts, miniskirts, sarees etc., flocking the dance floor. Kids were very less and all were slightly older than Sundar. She was totally not in her comfort zone, held Sundar’s hand tightly and reached a corner to find an empty table to sit.  On the contrary, Sundar felt like he was in navel heaven. He has not seen so many navels at the same time in his life. He was drooling over them. He was bare navel shaking in the dance floor.

He saw navels with different rings as well.

Sonali came and then pulled Madhu to meet a group of friends. In the meantime, Sundar was attracted to a group of girls dancing in sync together with navels giggling like hell.

He then saw another group where one girl’s navel was a damn deep one.

He could not control himself and since his mom was not nearby, he made a bold move and put his finger onto her navel and started to rotate around it in rhythm to the music.

The girls did not mind, as they were already high with alcohol. One of the girl said, ”Hey chottu! Go away! You are not old enough to put in a hole!”. The other girls all laughed. Sundar did not understand and then moved away to search for his mom.

Madhu was with Sonali and a group of friends in a drinking bet. All were having beer and whisky, while poor Madhu was finding it difficult to drink her orange juice. The bet was to open a beer bottle with one of the body parts like mouth, hands, armpit instead of an opener. Each losing side had to drink a flaming cocktail. Sonali’s side and the other side were equaling winning. Sundar found Madhu and was coming near her. It was the last round. Madhu became a bit excited, due to the music, people, surroundings or the game itself, she didn’t know. By the time, Sundar reached near Madhu, she did the unthinkable. She took the beer bottle of the last bet, keep over her transparent saree pallu and opened it with her navel. Sundar, Sonali and others were shocked for a minute. They couldnot believe that the shy, homely bystander did something so bold. Sonali’s team screamed in joy as they won. Sonali hugged Madhu and then pulled her to the dance floor.Sonali made her to dance. Madhu did slow moves, which were creating a hide and seek game of her navel.

Then as the DJ beats and tempo increased, Madhu became very excited and danced with some heavenly moves, which were making others a bit horny. Due to this, now her full navel was in display.

Sonali was dancing with Sundar, she was doing some seductive steps with her hips

Sundar then went and danced with his mom. He could not believe that he is seeing his mom dancing very wildly shaking her hip with her navel open and in full closeup to him

She was so into the music, she shaked her hips and navel very fast such that her belly fat jiggled a lot, which was a heavenly treat for Sundar.

At the same time, he noticed her mom was having fun and laughing which he has not seen before. Sonali although was drunk, ensured no perverted men were approaching Madhu or tried to grope her while dancing. After hours of dancing, Madhu and Sundar were tired. Madhu noticed her open navel and covered it with her transparent pallu.

Sundar was controlling it for so long, he pissed for about 2 mins in toilet. This time he noticed his urine came in white color for some time. He was curious and scared.  Sonali was fully sloshed and passed out. Madhu and Sundar had a light supper there. One of the hotel staff arranged a cab for them and they returned. Once they reached, Madhu helped Sonali to her apartment. Then Madhu and Sundar returned to theirs. Raghav was already asleep in the other bedroom. Madhu was about to change when Sundar stopped and told, ”Mom, you were awesome today. You superbly danced. This is saree is perfect for you. Can I touch your navel once in this saree please?”. Madhu who was in a different mood today, agreed immediately. Sundar came near her and brushed his face on her navel over the saree and kissed her hip. Madhu felt a tingling sensation, she turned her head and gave a mild moan.

Finally, both went to bed having had one of the best days of their life.

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