Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 14

Sundar’s Navel Games continues

Mahesh had gone out to get a shave and haircut. As said by Ritu, he would have to teach Sundar to spin a top on her navel once he returns. Ritu was cooking some snacks for Sundar and she had kept the toys (top, marbles) ready for him at the hall table. Sundar and Madhu arrived. He rushed in and went straight to the toys. He was very excited. Madhu and Ritu exchanged smiles while looking at Sundar. Ritu told, ”Sundar, you cannot play without finishing your homework. First, homework. Go open your bag and get the books.” Sundar obeyed instantly without hesitation. Madhu with a smile said, ”You seem to have him in full control.” Ritu laughed. Madhu continued, ”Actually Ritu, I need your help. I forgot to tell you earlier.” Ritu enquired, ”What is it?”. Madhu continued with a slow voice, ”Today I have to cover my colleague’s work also since she is on sick leave. So I have to work double shifts, which means I cannot come late night to pick up Sundar. I will be coming only by next day morning by 7. Since Raghav is out of town, to attend a marriage, I have no other choice. Can you please help me out?”. Ritu replied, ”Oh come on Madhu. It’s not a problem. I will take care of Sundar. You have no worries.” Madhu felt relieved and gave a small bag to Ritu which contains Sundar’s clothes, soap, toothbrush etc., Madhu called Sundar and told, ”Sundar you must be a good boy and listen to Ritu aunty. You must not give trouble to aunty and uncle. Do you understand?”. Sundar nodded his head in agreement. Finally Madhu left. Sundar was excited to play the navel games but he had to finish homework and wait for Mahesh. So before that he requested a pinch on her hip, which Ritu wholeheartedly granted. Then Sundar gave a slow pinch to Ritu, which was a more firm than his previous pinch.

Ritu was startled on how he is becoming more bold and at the same time, she was relieved since she now as “official permission” from Madhu to let Sundar enjoy her navel. Sundar was sitting and doing his homework in the hall. Ritu was preparing the dinner table and as it became evening switched on all the lights. Due to which, Sundar noticed a glitter on Ritu’s hip. Yes it was the waist chain.

He was amazed and came near it. Ritu enquired. For which Sundar replied,”Ritu aunty you are wearing a chain on your hip like the heroines’ in TV.It looks very nice. Where you got it?”. Ritu told,”It is a gift from Mahesh uncle. Do you like it?”Sundar nodded yes and tried to touch it. But Ritu stopped him stating he might damage or break it by mistake. Sundar became very restless on hearing since Ritu was always giving orders not to do this and that. His mind started to become naughty. He took his pencil, poked her fleshy belly and rotated it in a drilling manner.

Ritu was shocked with the sharp tip of the pencil, teasing her belly and shouted mildly in pain,”Ahhh…Sundar what are you doing? …Ayyo”. Sundar replied, ”Aunty, you made me promise to play only with your navel. That’s what I am doing.”. With that, he took the pencil up, slightly touched her waist chain and finally ticked the rim of her navel softly. Ritu started to enjoy it. She closed her eyes and smiled with mild moans of “MMMmmmmm”.

Sundar stopped when Mahesh knocked the door. He entered and on seeing him, Sundar came towards him. Sundar,”Hi Mahesh uncle. How are you?”Mahesh,”Hey Sundar. I am fine. How are you? How are your studies?” Sundar,”I am good too. Studies are fine. Where are the chocolates?”. Mahesh always bought chocolates for Sundar whenever he goes out of town. The same are stacked at home which Ritu gives whenever she babysits Sundar. Mahesh went inside, got one of the boxes and gave it to Sundar. He started to open it, tasting the chocolates. Ritu went near Mahesh and told the matter that Madhu had requested to keep Sundar for the night, and she apologized for accepting without asking Mahesh. Mahesh told,”It’s fine. No problem. Sundar is almost like our family kid. I have no issues.” Ritu was relieved. Just then, they noticed Sundar trying to eat the entire box of chocolates. Mahesh stopped him and told,”No Sundar. You should not eat at all at once. If you do, I will not teach to spin top. ” Sundar obeyed. He finished his homework and was ready. Both Mahesh and Sundar went inside the bedroom, and Mahesh started teaching him on how to hold a top, how to wrap the rope, how to release etc.,. Mahesh grew up in a village during his school days. After college, he settled down in the city. So Mahesh has played a lot of rural games during his childhood. That is the reason he knows about spinning tops very well. Although, he has never spun one on Ritu’s navel. Sundar was observing him and slowly learnt the steps. Ritu who had finished all cooking and cleaning works, settled down on the sofa. She was nervous about the top spinning as it was new to her and whether it will hurt or leave injury on her belly. Finally, both came out and went near Ritu. Sundar,”OK Ritu aunty.Are you ready?” Ritu nodded with hesitation. She laid down on the sofa with her full navel open. Mahesh adjusted her waist chain and brought it down and tucked it into her petticoat, so that it won’t disturb the spinning top. Finally it happened. Mahesh spun the top into his hand and kept it on Ritu’s soft belly. Sundar was with open eyes.

As soon it touched, Ritu felt tickling sensation and closed her face with both hands in shyness. Then she moaned,”AAAAAhhhh…EEEEyyeee”. Sundar exclaimed, ”Wow super.” Mahesh was thrilled. It rotated and it fell off after it stopped. Now Sundar tried and his one rotated for a long time. For Ritu, each rotation felt like a many needles poking her tender belly region. The top spinning was like many needles poking continuously. She was both in pleasure and pain. Mahesh and Sundar continued one after another for more than 15 mins.

Ritu was moaning,”AAAAAAhhhh…OOOOOhhhhh…..MMMMMmmmmmm” all the time. Finally after 20 mins, they stopped. Sundar in excitement, ”That was great fun Mahesh uncle. Ritu aunty’s navel is perfect to play with top”. Mahesh nodded in agreement. Ritu was nearly exhausted and rose up to drink water. After drinking it, she said, ”Oh I am tired. Let’s stop with this today. We can play the other games later Sundar”. Sundar said, ”No aunty. You promised when Mahesh uncle comes, I can play with your navel how much ever I want.” He slowly started to cry. Mahesh consoled him and then convinced him.

The next game was the cherry game. Ritu brought cherries from the fridge. Sundar explained to Mahesh the rules that Ritu will lie down and then they have to stand at a far distance and blow cherries from their mouths. If it falls in her navel directly, then one point. The person who puts maximum cherries into the navel will be the winner. Mahesh was astonished by his “navel creativity”. Then Ritu lied down as usual. Both of them took the cherries and went to far end of the room. They took the cherries one by one and started blowing them to Ritu’s navel. The cherries were falling all around Ritu but none was falling into her navel. She felt she was in a Raghavendra rao song with fruits on her. Finally, there were only one cherry each with both of them. Mahesh gave his last try and missed it too. Sundar gave his last try and it fell right into Ritu’s deep navel cave. She gave a moan.

Sundar jumped in excitement since he won and was the only one to get a correct hit. Mahesh clapped for him and Ritu was smiling, still lying down with the cherry in her navel. Mahesh told, ”Super Sundar. You have won.” Sundar asked, ”Yes uncle. What is my prize?” Mahesh thought for a second with his naughty mind. Then told, ”Ok since you were the only one to put the cherry into her navel. You can taste and eat it from aunty’s navel, without using your hands just like you played the chocolate game”. Sundar become more excited. Ritu was surprised and told, ”Mahi. What is this? ” He replied, ”Come on Ritu. He deserves it. He has won clear and straight without cheating”. Sundar interfered, ”Please aunty. I really like to eat the cherry from your thoppul.” Ritu accepted after thinking for a second. Sundar now went near Ritu’s navel. At the same time, Mahesh was secretly recording this in his mobile. Sundar used his tongue to get the cherry out. Ritu closed her eyes and enjoyed the wet tongue brushing the outer rim of her navel.

But it did not come out. So used his teeth and gave a big suck and took it out. Ritu moaned a bit loud and her boobs almost came out from that reaction.

Mahesh stopped the recording and put his mobile away. Sundar was having a big smile after eating it. He thanked Ritu and Mahesh for this. Ritu asked for some rest. They paused this activity and watched TV for sometime. After that, it was time for the final game, the marble game. He as usual explained the game which is to put as many small marbles as possible in Ritu’s navel. Then remove them fast. Who takes it out fast is the winner. Mahesh was excited and told Sundar, ”This is time I will be the winner” Sundar in a competitive tone, ”Ok let’s see uncle”. Once again, Ritu lies down to become the playground for them. Mahesh brought the marbles and put them into a bowl. So it started. Sundar took a handful of marbles. Then, took them over Ritu’s stomach at a high distance and dropped them slowly.

One by one, the marbles fell and soon her navel was filled with many of them. Now Sundar put his fingers in a carrom playing fashion and struck the marbles. Ritu gave a mild Ahhhhh!

To Mahesh’s surprise, all the marbles came out in one try. It was Mahesh’s turn. He too picked up and dropped the marbles. Some collected into her navel.

He too used the carrom style and got all marbles out in one try. Ritu enjoyed this too with a moan.

They went for a second round. This time also Sundar got all marbles out in one try. Mahesh took all marbles and put them together on Ritu. A big bunch of them got collected into her navel. It was more than the count during Sundar’s try. He knew definitely the carrom approach won’t work. So took the simple approach and blew straight into her navel. All the marbles ran out and Ritu bit her lips hard and moaned since the cool breath gave her tickling sensations.

Since the marble count was more Mahesh won the game. Sundar told, ”Awesome Mahesh uncle. You did win as you told. I should have also blown instead trying to strike the marbles”. Mahesh with a sarcastic tone, ”Thanks Sundar. Yes, you need experience to play like that”. He gave Ritu a naughty look and she smiled. At last, the games were over for the evening. The person who enjoyed it the most and at the same time relieved that is over is none other than Ritu herself. Sundar told, ”It was really fun. Thanks Ritu aunty and Mahesh uncle”. Mahesh in his funny tone, ”Sundar, you are the one we must thank. You thought of these games. We should do this more often”. Ritu gave a naughty gaze to Mahesh to shut up. They all laughed, and then went to have dinner.

This was the first time Sundar has stayed night at Ritu’s home, although he has stayed out night at Madhu’s cousin and aunt places before. After dinner, Mahesh helped Sundar turn into his night pajamas and were watching some cartoons in the bedroom TV. Ritu finished all her work and came to bed. She usually does not prefer nighties. She either sleeps in her saree or with just blouse and petticoat when Mahesh is not at home. They all laid back in bed. Mahesh was at right end facing outward. Ritu was at left end facing inward at Mahesh’s back. Sundar was in between them, facing Ritu. They all fell asleep. At about sometime after midnight, Sundar was rolling around due to a dream. Then he slowly opened his eyes. He had crawled to lower part of the bed in sleep. In this position, his face was near Ritu’s belly. The lights were all off, but the street light from outside the window was falling inside. It was now at a perfect angle falling exactly on Ritu’s navel. Sundar slowly rose to see that beautiful sight. Her navel was a deep hole with the chain glittering.

He came near it. He was for a second, mesmerized by that view. At that moment, he felt something he never felt before. A different feeling on his penis. He did not know what was happening. He felt a bulge on his boyhood, which he will get when he wants to urinate. He went and used the toilet. He once again, came near her navel. His breath was brushing her navel. She felt it and suddenly covered it with her left hand in half-sleep.

Sundar became alerted and went back to sleep.

The next day morning, Mahesh helped Sundar to freshen up. All got changed and fresh. Sundar came out, he saw Ritu and his eyes gazed her and stuck on her navel.

He again felt the bulge but when he glanced away to a scenery photo hung in the wall, the bulge feeling went away too. He realized that he gets that feeling only when he looks at Ritu’s navel. He was puzzled but kept silent about this. At about 8 am, Madhu arrived. She exchanged greetings with Mahesh. Then came near Sundar. Ritu offered her some coffee. Madhu asked, ”So was Sundar a good boy? Did he give any trouble?” Ritu and Mahesh responded together, ”No not at all. He was very fine and cooperated with us”. Sundar joined in and said,” Yes. I had lot of fun with Ritu aunty and Mahesh uncle. I enjoyed a lot”. Mahesh as usual in his sarcastic tone,” So did we” and glanced at Ritu.

Finally, Sundar and Madhu left. Mahesh told, ”I wish I was born as Sundar. He is freely playing with his neighbor aunty’s navel”. Ritu responded, ”Well, he is not the one who is married to that neighbor aunty and can play with her navel and have sex with her too whenever he wants”. He responded, ”Yes you are right” and bent down to give a tight kiss on her navel.

She moaned a big AAAhhhh with a smile which echoed in their bedroom.

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