Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 13

Mahesh’s Gift

Ritu was eagerly waiting. Mahesh is going to return today from his business trip. Mahesh has reached the airport and on the way home. By the time, the clock struck 11am, her doorbell rang. She went eagerly and opened. Mahesh with a big wide smile, looked very happy to see his “Thoppul Rani” after a very long time. Ritu too was excited, standing in front of him with a naughty smile and her big deep navel dominating his eyes.

They both hugged each other tightly. Although Mahesh was very sweaty and dusty due to the trip, Ritu held onto him to feel his warmth on her. The warmth which she felt she cannot get from anyone, other than her loving husband. Mahesh gave a small kiss on her forehead. Then kept the luggage away and closed the door. He then smooched her lips and lifted her. He gave a sensuous kiss on her navel and took her to the bedroom.

He then let her near the bed and removed her saree pallu. He started squeezing and enjoying her navel. She was in orgasmic heaven.

Then they went to bed and made love. They had a small nap and woke up in the afternoon. Ritu was lying down while Mahesh rose up and told ,”Oh I almost forgot. I got a gift for you.” Ritu with excitement asked what it was. He asked her to close her eyes. Then dropped it right on her navel. A gold chain.

Ritu moaned and saw it. Women always love jewelry. Ritu too. She took it and looked at it with a big smile. She thanked Mahesh. Then when she was about to put it around her neck, Mahesh stopped her. He told with a smile,” This is not a necklace. This is a waist chain”. Ritu was now all the more excited. She told,” Wow! This is unexpected Mahi. He replied, ”Yes. I wanted to buy some jewelry for you. The jeweler guy suggested this. So I bought it”. Ritu never thought she will wear gold to decorate her proud assets, her hip and navel. She was very surprised and joyful. Ritu kissed him on his cheek and told ,”Thanks Mahi. Love you so much.I will get changed to another saree and wear it”.

Mahesh dressed up after a small bath and was waiting for Ritu in the hall. Ritu slowly came out of the bedroom in a colorful saree with the waist chain glittering right above her navel. She stood there in a very inviting pose to Mahesh.

Mahesh eyes’ was scanning her top to bottom and finally rested on her navel. Ritu with a smile slowly moved her hip like dancing motion to tease Mahesh. Her belly fat around her navel jiggled.

He got up came near her. He bent down to get a closer look at it. His face just few inches away from her navel.

Due to her dance motion, the chain has now moved to below her navel. He became turned on and started caressing her navel. His trimmed beard hair was scratching her delicate belly and navel, giving her a lot of wild sensation. She closed her eyes and was moaning,”SSSSSSssssss….AAAAAAAhhhhhhh!!!!”

Just then it started raining. Ritu and Mahesh looked out the window, it started pouring heavily. She pushed him away and rushed to the balcony door to get the clothes hanged outside for drying. Their balcony was an open type without any shade. She went out and suddenly stopped and turned around. She was fully drenched. Mahesh watched from inside as she moved her saree and rolled it around her belly and inserted it under her navel. The raindrop was making her belly more sexy and the chain even more shiny.

At the same time, she was giving a seductive look on her face. Mahesh became erotic and rushed out. He grabbed her wet belly and squeezed it. He finally gave a kiss on her waist chain. Ritu closed her eyes and moaned ,”Ahhhh!!!!”

After this, they played in the rain some more after getting the clothes inside. Then both sat down for lunch. During that time, Mahesh enquired about Sundar. Ritu narrated the incidents and adventures of Sundar as told by Madhu. Then what she did to control Sundar. Mahesh was surprised and said ,”Wow! Sundar has become an official navel fetish guy. You are his playground. Lucky boy. You really changed him to like navels ”. Ritu smiled but did not reveal anything about Madhu’s navel secret.

After lunch, then she slowly opened up about the navel hypnotism power, how she got it and the incidents that followed. Mahesh was awestruck and confused. He said,” Oh My God! I don’t believe this. You actually hypnotized Tushar to suck your navel. You hypnotized to get free groceries. I am confused”. Ritu replied, ”I know it is hard to believe. But that is the truth. I wanted to be honest with you and let you know about this”. Mahesh told,” Ok I understand. Can you hypnotize me?”. Ritu replied, ”No Mahi, like I told you I cannot hypnotize my husband or any child. It is one of the limitations”. Mahesh replied ,”Ok sorry. Then let’s go out now. Hypnotize somebody for me. I want to see it. Then only I can believe it fully”. Ritu replied,” Mahi. I will do that but not today. Sundar will be coming today, I have to look after him. Also he needs your help. You have to teach him how to spin a top”. Mahesh in a naughty way, ”Oh! Can’t wait to continue your affair with him is it? This time I must help him on this too. Look at my life”. Ritu in a firm tone, ”Shut up Mahi. He is just a growing kid. Don’t ever use the word affair.” She turned around went to the kitchen and started washing the dishes. Mahesh came behind her, said sorry and then grabbed her belly with both hands from the back and gave a slight squeeze and teased Ritu.

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