Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 11

Navel Hypnotism Continues

Ritu was getting ready to go shopping. She had to buy some groceries for home and “navel play” toys for Sundar. She was looking in the mirror and tying her saree very low as usual.

She came outside with her handbag. She boarded the bus from the bus stop near her street. The bus started. Only when she opened her handbag, she realized there was only Rs.110. She did not have more money or her card either. She seemed to have forgot it while lost in thought as to the things to buy for Sundar. She went near the conductor to get the ticket. Since the crowd was high, she stood there for about a minute. Since her handbag was on her left shoulder, her left side was fully open to view. During the time she waited, many male passengers were scanning her sexy body structure, her super low hip and deep navel that is waiting to peek out.

Finally, she got the ticket using Rs.10.She had only Rs.100 left. She could not find a seat as the bus was crowded. She was standing with her handbag on the right shoulder and right hand holding the rod in the ceiling for support. She was in deep thought. She was puzzled as to how manage the situation since the bus has come a long way from her area. Just then she felt a soft tickle on her navel and slightly moaned ”Ssssssss”. It was the tip of a flower from the flower basket which a middleaged lady was having on her lap and seated. She was sleeping and did not notice this.

Due to the wind from the window, the flower was repeatedly tickling her navel. Ritu gave mild moaning sound every time it tickled her navel. It was really disturbing her thinking process. The crowd was getting more after each stop. She was trying to find a seat and standing next to an old guy talking on his phone. She did not mind him, however when he turned to find that she was standing next to him with her navel so near his face, he was getting titillated.

He was so tempted that while talking he moved his left hand casually to the chair in front to get balance for the ever shaking bus. In the process, he touch and fingered her navel.

Ritu was taken by surprise and bit her lips and looked at him before which he took off his hand and signaled a sorry gesture.

Once the bus stopped at a signal and moved again, she felt something again. This time, it was a wet kiss on her hip. Since it was sudden, she jerked her fleshy hip on the opposite side and gave a slight moan,”AAAAhhhhhhh”

Ritu usually enjoys this anonymous navel groping and kissing. That’s why she always prefers bus travel within the city. But today she could not enjoy it due to the money problem circling in her head.

Then she got the naughty idea to use her navel hypnotism power to somehow buy the items from supermarket. She also remembered the rules as it can be used only 5 times per day and it will last only 5 minutes for each try. But before that she wanted to do a trail run since it was a long time before she used it first time on Tushar.

At the next stop, many got down. She was able to find a seat in the ladies side. But before she could two fat guys occupied it. They were dressed in white shirts and dhotis. She assumed they were some kind of goons from a political party. She deduced this since the conductor did not ask them for the ticket. The last person to get onto the bus was very old lady wearing glasses with a wooden walking stick. She was really stammering to stand as the bus moved. She requested to get seated to the two goons, but as expected they refused and yelled at her. No one else came forward to help. Ritu felt sorry for the old lady and now decided to test her hypnotism with these goons. She went and stood in front of them. As they were seated, Ritu’s navel was at their eye level. They were scanning her whole body with their hungry eyes. Ritu asked,” Excuse me sir. Can we take this seat?”. One of them replied,”No. But if you can give something for us, we will getup”. Ritu gave a cute smile as the only response. As they were focusing on her navel , she did her trick and jerked her stomach and navel.

Now they were hypnotized. Ritu gave a cute smile again and asked, ”Excuse me sir. Can we take this seat?” Without hesitation, they both answered together in chorus, ”Yes. You can sit here”. They got up and stood away. The conductor, old lady and other passengers were shocked. Ritu helped the old lady to sit and she sat next to her. The old lady curiously asked, ”Thank you dear. But how did they accept to get up. First, they did not. Then they did. What did you do?”. Ritu responded with an innocent face, ”No aunty. I did not do anything. It is a surprise to me on why they accepted the next time”. Ritu started to look at her watch to see if 5 minutes got over. It did. The goons now out of the hypnotism were puzzled as to how they were standing. They did not remember anything. They came near Ritu and were about to yell to find out what happened. Ritu felt a bit scared and angry but was confident to face them. But just then the bus stopped and the conductor told them, ”Sir. Your stop has come”. They gave an angry look at Ritu and the conductor and got down. Ritu gave a kind look to the conductor as a sign of thank you.

Ritu got off at her stop and headed towards the supermarket. She was thinking that her hypnotism now works but how to use it to buy the items. Whom to hypnotize? Since it is for only 5 minutes will it even help. Lot of questions came into Ritu’s head. With a bit of hesitation, she entered. She started taking the items one by one as per her list. She even bought a small wooden top and set of marbles for Sundar to play with (her navel). She thought to herself, ”Sundar and Mahesh are going to attack and feast on my navel. Lucky fellows”. As she was moving, she noticed one of the male attendants, a teenage guy always crossing her path. At first, she did not bother it. But eventually she found out him to be peculiar. She slowly noticed what he was doing the next time he crossed him. As he crossed, he was lowering his head and trying to peak at her navel. The next time he walked closed to her carrying a box and tried to brush his hand across belly. He was not only doing this to Ritu but all other women customers in the supermarket. A potential pervert. Ritu now realized she has found another anonymous navel peeker/groper. She then and there realized that he was her savior to get the groceries. She got all the items in her basket. She stood near the toilet items section which was in a corner and hidden from the main door view and waiting for him. He came by slowly, she suddenly pushed a few soap boxes near her feet. He noticed it and came to pick them up, not without peeking at her navel. She whispered, ”Hey look at this” and moved her saree to fully reveal her navel.

He was surprised and stared at it. She jerked her navel and hypnotized him.

She now whispered to him ,”You carry my basket and follow me to the billing counter. When they start billing, you must pinch my hip and then kiss my navel in front of them”. He nodded yes in a hypnotic state. The supermarket owner was seated nearby the counter. They reached the billing counter, there was 3 mins left of the hypnotic period. As the billing started, he pinched her hip really hard.

She enjoyed it but yelled ,”Ouch. You rascal. What are you doing?”. Everyone around including the owner were shocked and assembled around Ritu. As instructed, he did not stop and bent down and kissed her fleshy navel.

She enjoyed that too but shouted, ”Aaaah” and pushed him down. She started her ‘fake ’crying. The owner and others around angrily caught him. The owner gave a tight slap to him. The 5 minutes was over. He was out of the hypnotism and was totally confused as to what was happening. When he heard it, he claimed that he did not know anything. Ritu was crying and yelling to the owner as to why he has hired such employees. The owner made the attendant apologize. But she did not budge and told she is going to give a police complaint. The public around also supported her. The owner now in a difficult situation begged Ritu not to do that, since it will ruin his entire business. Finally, he told the golden words which Ritu was expecting ,”Madam, you can take the items today for free. You don’t have to pay for them. Please forgive us this one time. I will ensure no such thing happens. Please Madam”. Ritu acted not to accept at first, then she accepted and told ,”Ok fine. I will not go to the police. But if such thing happens in the future, definitely I will go to the police”.

She took all the items and left. The owner came behind her and helped her to get an auto. Despite Ritu’s refusing, he paid the auto fare for her in advance. Ritu thanked him and left. She gave a sigh of relief since she executed the plan pretty well. She was proud of her navel too. She reached home and now felt like she had conquered something. She now got a hang of using her hypnotism well.

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