Ritu’s Navel Orgasm

by Thoppul Navel
Chapter : 10

Sundar's Confession

Ritu was in deep thought. Today she had to talk to Sundar as promised to Madhu. She was thinking what to say. If she handles it lightly, Sundar might not listen and can become more navel crazy. If she gets harsh with him, he might reveal the navel secrets to Madhu. She had to find some way to handle this. Just then Madhu and Sundar arrived. Madhu left him with Ritu and left for her work.

Sundar finished his homework and asked for chocolates. Ritu told, “Before that, I will ask you few things and you have to tell me only the truth”. Sundar replied, “OK Ritu aunty”. She continued, “Did you tell your mom about the chocolate hole game?”. Sundar, “No aunty. I did not. I promised to you.” Ritu, “OK good boy. Your mom told me that you are looking at stomach holes in magazines and tried playing with your maid’s stomach hole. Is that true?”. Sundar replied without hesitation,” Yes, I did.” Ritu asked, “Why?” Sundar explained, “Ritu aunty.I learnt the word for it. It is called navel in English and thoppul in Tamil. I learned it from a movie scene on TV. After that, I was surprised there are many types and shapes. I am noticing it in newspaper, magazine, movie, TV serials, advertisements etc., I really started to like them.” Ritu was amazed at his reply and asked, “OK. Why do you like them? Why did you play with the maid’s navel, the guest’s navel at a party and the staff’s navel at school? Your mother told me everything. It is not right Sundar”. Sundar replied, “Aunty, from the first time I saw and played with your navel, I became excited about navels. I don’t why I like them. But I do. Secondly, I played with maid’s navel because it was so huge. To check the size, I put the toy gun into her navel. You know it fully went inside. It was that big.”

Ritu was listening to the way Sundar was explaining and got a bit jealous since he is praising another woman’s navel. Sundar continued,”At the party, I saw many different navels. But this aunty alone was wearing jewellery on it. I was surprised, so I went and touched to see how it was hanging there. It was really nice. At school, the staff aunty’s navel was deep. I wanted to see how deep it was, so I put my finger inside.”

Ritu asked, “Were you not afraid of touching it since they might get angry? The principal shouted at you right?”. Sundar responded,” Aunty if they did not like it to be touched, they will not show it. They all smiled when i touched their navel. At school also, only the principal shouted. The staff did not say anything. If they don’t like it to be touched, they will cover it like Mom. I am asking her to show her navel only once. But she says that she doesnot want it to be seen or touched by me.” Ritu was in awe of his mature replies for a young boy. Sundar concluded, “There is one thing Ritu aunty. So far from what all navels I saw, you have the most beautiful navel.” Ritu slightly blushed and smiled. Sundar without any hestitation, came near and touched Ritu’s navel with his index and middle finger shaping his hand like a gun. She felt a tickle.

He continued ,”Yours is so deep and round. It is so soft”. Ritu was so excited by the compliment, “Thanks Sundar. Do you like aunty’s navel that much?”. Sundar continued, “Yes aunty. I saw few songs and scenes in TV. I actually found some new games to play with your thoppul”. Ritu controlled her excitement and said, “Sundar we can play the games but you have to make a promise”. Sundar replied, “Another promise! No aunty”. Ritu with a smile,”Then I will not allow you play in my thoppul”. Sundar replied,”OK aunty. What?” Ritu said, “I want you to promise that you will play only with my navel and not touch or play with anybody else’s navel”. Sundar asked, “Why?” Ritu explained, “Sundar I am getting this promise for your sake only. I talked with your mother. Your liking for navels is your choice. But this should not create problems for others especially your mother. What you have been doing is not good behavior. Just because somebody shows their navel in a saree, does not mean they will like it when someone touches it. Some people did not get angry when you touched their navel since you are a kid. But because of your behavior, your mom faced a bad situation at your school. What if something like this happens again, it will be embarrassing for your mom, Do you want that to happen?”. Sundar replied in a dull tone, “No aunty”. Ritu told, “Then promise me.” Sundar promised. Ritu felt happy and hugged him. She gave him snacks and chocolates and then asked him about the new games. Sundar explained,”I saw in TV that heroine’s navel is played many ways. The heroes spins top on the navel, they throw flowers, fruits, marbles, pearls etc., on the navel”

Sundar continued,”The hero even pours milk, honey, oil etc., into the heroine’s navel.”

“They show the heroine’s navel and hip in closeup. The hero sometime pinch the heroine’s hip.”

Ritu got a bit turned on as Sundar was explaining. “There was one magic scene also.” Sundar said. Ritu questioned ,”What magic scene? ”.Sundar responded, “The hero breaks an egg into the heroine’s navel and it immediately becomes an omelette.”

Ritu gasped as Sundar explained and asked,”Oh my god.You want to do all this things to my navel”. Sundar replied,”No aunty. Not all. I wanted to play with a top on your navel. But I don’t know how to spin a top. I have to ask Mahesh uncle. Another game to play with Mahesh uncle is to make you lie down and then stand at a far distance and blow cherries from our mouth. If it falls in your navel directly, then one point. This is the cherry game. Another game will be to put as many small marbles as possible in your navel. Then remove them fast. Who takes it out fast is the winner.” Ritu replied, “Wow .Nice games. You seemed to have watched a lot of TV. Do you have a top and marbles with you?”.  Sundar replied, ”No aunty”. Ritu,”Oh I don’t have too. Also Mahesh uncle is out of station, so we cannot play now since he has to teach to spin the top”. Sundar became dull. Ritu cheered him up and said, “Come on! I will buy the toys for you and Mahesh uncle will be back in a few days. So we can play the next time you come. But you must keep your promise.” Sundar got excited and told, “Ok sure aunty. In that case, can I do one thing?” Ritu asked, ”Yes what?” Sundar with a hesitant tone, ”Can I pinch your hip once please aunty?” Ritu with a smile replied, “Ok since you have been a good boy and kept your earlier promise”. After that she moved her saree to reveal her navel and hip and took it near to Sundar’s face who was seated at the dining table with the snacks.

Sundar with excitement gave a very light pinch on her belly flesh.

She found the tender touch of Sundar’s fingers very light and considered it to be rather cute.Ritu would not even consider this a pinch compared to the acts that Sundar had done in the name of pinching. She asked, ”Are you happy now, Sundar?”. He replied with joy, ”Yes aunty”. Just then Madhu returned to pick up Sundar. Ritu showed a thumbs up to Madhu indicating she talked to Sundar about the navel matter. Madhu gave a sigh of relief and left.

Ritu finished off her work and went to bed. The cool wind from the window flowing on her bare belly gave her chills, which she stretched and enjoyed in her sleep.

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