Mother Madhavi

by Yuva Raj
Chapter : 3

The Sad Demise of Seenu

It was the year 2013, Seenu and Madhavi have been blessed with a son who’s turning two today and his name is Harish. Harish is nicely dressed in brand new clothes and so is Seenu.

Madhavi is now in a silk saree with her navel peeking out exactly like in the pic given below.

Madhavi and Seenu were hosting a small gathering to celebrate their son Harish’s second birthday. Friends, family, and a few of Seenu’s employees from his restaurant were present. Madhavi, dressed in a beautiful silk saree, her navel subtly visible, held Harish in her arms.

The party started off merrily, with Harish excitedly playing with a few balloons and colorful toys. The guests gathered around, admiring the little boy and wishing him a happy birthday. Seenu, wearing a crisp shirt and pants, proudly watched over his family.

As the guests started to mingle, Harish’s curiosity led him to his mother’s belly. Madhavi didn’t mind, gently guiding his small hands over her navel and laughing as he tickled her softly. It was a heartwarming, intimate moment between mother and child.

A few minutes later, a loud knock at the door interrupted the celebration. It was one of Seenu’s employees, visibly distressed. Madhavi and the guests exchanged puzzled glances, but the man quickly delivered the news—Seenu’s restaurant had caught fire, and the cause was unknown.

Seenu, realizing the gravity of the situation, left to check on his beloved business, leaving Madhavi and Harish with their guests. The rest of the party was spent in worried anticipation, as no one from the restaurant could be reached.

As the night progressed, the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance. Fear crept in as the guests awaited news of Seenu. After what felt like an eternity, a frantic call came through, and the guests’ worst fears were confirmed—Seenu had been caught in the blaze, and his body had been discovered.

Madhavi, overcome with grief, crumpled to the floor, clutching Harish close to her. The guests, stunned and saddened, struggled to console the distraught mother.

The once joyous atmosphere of the celebration had been replaced by a heavy sense of loss. Madhavi, now a young widow, was left to raise Harish on her own, and Raghu, Seenu’s brother, took over the management of the restaurant.

In the next chapter, we will see how Madhavi leads her life as a single mom.

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